Alabama Man Has Now Finished Mowing Lawns For Veterans In All 50 States

Oct 08, 2019

Everyone can make a difference! There are so many little acts of kindness that can go a really long way, and they don’t even have to be that big or cost a lot of money. The only limitation you have is locked in by your imagination.

One man from Alabama is getting a lot of attention from his kindness. He started off somewhat small but now his actions are making the news. He set a goal to mow lawns for veterans in every single state of America, and that includes Alaska and Hawaii.

It all began about five years earlier when the 29-year-old, Rodney Smith Jr., noticed an older man that was having a hard time mowing his lawn. Smith didn’t’ hesitate to lend a hand. That’s when he realized he had so much he could give to others just like this man.

While speaking to Good Morning America, he states “I remember asking God to use me as his vessel”.

This is when he launched his “50 Lawn Challenge” and all the traveling began. He started with anyone that he felt was a deserving individuals such as disabled, single mom, and elderly but for this challenge he is focused on one particular group which just happens to be veterans

On his fifth year of the challenge, Delta heard about what Smith is doing and they reached out to him. They offered to help him reach his goal and agreed to fly Smith to both Hawaii and Alaska at no charge.

Smith took to Twitter to share his excitement regarding mowing lawns in Anchorage, Alaska. He was even able to meet the pilots while flying who were veterans themselves, Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Johnson.

He sent out a big shout out on Twitter to say thank you to them for their service and the first class treatment he received.

Delta responded back to his tweet saying they were glad to have him aboard. In the response tweet, Delta raves about Smith and how he deserved the first class treatment.

"Glad to have you aboard! A one-of-a-kind person like yourself deserves the first class treatment. We’re honored to help you complete the 50-state journey and thank you for recognizing our veterans in this incredible way," the tweet read.

Smith hopes that others are inspired by his actions and reach out to help other veterans just as he has. Hundreds more have already started! Many girls and boys have started to join in on the program. He wants everyone to make a difference in some way, even one lawn at a time.

Smith feels that if the veterans can step up and serve for our country, there isn’t any reason that we can’t step up and help them out. He believes that it’s the least that we all can do. According to 

It’s so nice that Delta was able to help Smith reach his goal! Has Smith encouraged you to help someone out today? Maybe you have some ideas for your own program. Let us hear about it in the comments below!