Airport Comes To A Standstill When A Heartwarming Message Over Loudspeaker Leaves Travelers Into State Of Tears

Jan 07, 2019

The volunteers who serve in the United States armed forces make a lot of sacrifices. They leave their families and put their lives at risk in order to protect everyone's rights and freedoms. Some soldiers lose their lives, leaving grieving children and families behind. A recent event in Nashville shows that people have not forgotten these sacrifices.

What Happened in Nashville

In 2018, a big group of kids were at the Nashville airport. An announcement over the airport's loudspeaker explained that the children were there as a part of the Snowball Express. The Snowball Express is an annual event held for kids who had lost a parent as a result of active duty in the military. The kids are given a trip to Disney World, and it is an all expenses paid vacation for the deserving youngsters.

The Loudspeaker Announcement

When the announcement came over the loudspeaker, everyone in the Nashville airport stopped in their tracks. They stood still and quiet until the announcement was complete. The crowd then burst into spontaneous singing of the national anthem. Everyone at the airport got tears in their eyes. A witness named Jen Tringle captured these moments on her smartphone. Her recording was sent to local news stations and shared on social media.

What the Witnesses Saw

Ms Tringle noted the children and the grieving spouses of the fallen service members and how they were lined up. Members of the U.S. military stopped and saluted them. She noted that the experience was humbling, especially given that it happened during the midst of the rushed holiday travel season. Seeing complete strangers honor the children and spouses was humbling, reported Ms Tringle.

For a child who has lost a parent in active combat, there is little that a total stranger can do in order to provide comfort. While a vacation gives kids a momentary reprieve from their sadness, it is not a cure for their loss. Knowing that others respect them and appreciate their parents' sacrifice makes a huge difference to the kids. Ms Tringle noted that she will never forget it. Watch the video of it right here:

Have you ever witnessed an act of thanks delivered by a stranger? What do you think about how the people in the Nashville airport treated the grieving children? Would you do something like this if you were in that type of situation at the airport? Tell us in the comments and pass this heartwarming story on to your friends and loved ones.