Air Force Honor Guard Dazzles Crowd With Perfectly Synchronized Performance

Nov 17, 2020

The Armed Forces are made of some of the most disciplined, hard-working men and women. They make tremendous sacrifices as they put their lives on the line each and every day to protect freedom and nurture peace.

In 2014, a small, chosen group of these officers served their country in an unusual way. The Air Force Honor Guard gave an incredible public performance that showed off their precision and talents in working together, and thankfully the whole thing was captured on video.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

All branches of the Armed Forces are careful to screen recruits. A high degree of intelligence, discernment, and fitness is needed for all military personnel. Among these groups, many believe the United States Air Force recruits and trains the highest caliber of officers.

The men and women of the United States Air Force must be exceptionally disciplined. They are charged with keeping the peace and protecting freedom. The only difference between Air Force personnel and those from other branches of the Armed Forces is that those in the Air Force must often operate from the air itself.

Many Hands Make Light Work

As is the case with any other branch of the Armed Forces, Air Force personnel serve in many different ways. Some serve in the air, providing surveillance when defensive maneuvers are not needed. Others keep more public personnel healthy and happy with services, including healthcare, cooking, and facilities maintenance.

Sustaining strong morale can be just as critical to success as having comfortable quarters. Many personnel is dedicated to maintaining an optimal emotional climate in which the officers and other staff can thrive. Members of the United States Air Force Honor Guard are one group charged with building pride and morale among Air Force staff.

Serving The Public

The Honor Guard in the United States Air Force does more than boost the morale of Air Force personnel. They enhance the Air Force's public image among civilians by displaying the Air Force's legendary discipline and determination. They also inspire patriotism for all.

One of the most public duties for the Honor Guard is a public performance. Each member of the Guard must carry themselves with an appropriate level of dignity at all times. Indeed, every move they make reflects on the quality of the Air Force itself.

In Dress Blues

During a typical performance in 2014, the Honor Guard stood ready to perform for millions of people. They were wearing their navy blue dress uniforms that were decorated with ribbons and pins according to rank. They even wore white gloves and coordinated caps while carrying rifles.

From the very first, the Honor Guard was set to impress. They moved very carefully together with precise, crisp gestures. As they twirled and tossed their rifles, they moved as a single unit. After going through a twirling and tossing routine, the Honor Guard added some footwork. They marched around and turned with as much precision as their rifle work. Later in the show, they even kneeled.

Try It With A Bayonet

Twirling and tossing a rifle might seem precarious enough. During this show, the Guard members used rifles with bayonets attached. The sharp knife blade of the bayonet gleaming atop each rifle added an extra element of showmanship, excitement, and danger.

Toward the end of their performance, the Guard added an additional surprise. Many of their maneuvers featured a man standing in the middle as rifles were tossed around him. This man in the middle carried on with the poise and formality of his colleagues during what could have been an extremely precarious position.

One Last Pose

At the conclusion of their performance, the Honor Guard had one last treat for the cheering crowd. The front two lines of the group came forward and kneeled. It looked like they were getting into position for battle.

Put On A Display Of Your Own

Were you impressed with their performance? After such an enthralling display, it's time to make an inspirational display of your own. Take a few moments to add a comment or story about your experiences with the Air Force Honor Guard or another patriotic performance group. Your contributions here or at another social media venue will help increase morale and patriotic pride. Then be sure to pass this on so more people can witness their talents.

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