After Their Daughters Left Home For College, Michelle Obama Says She And Barack Are 'Rediscovering Each Other'

Dec 10, 2019

Although Michelle Obama may have eight-years in the white house under her belt she is still just like any other parent. When her youngest daughter, Sasha, left for college she couldn't help but feel "emotional" while dropping her off. However, the 55-year-old isn't sad about being an empty nester. She and her husband, former President Barack Obama have been able to find each other again. 

(Photo by Jacopo Raule/Getty Images/Getty Images News)

The former First Lady told People about what it was like dropping Sasha off at her dorms to begin her college career. “We were there, just like most parents, helping her unpack and make her dorm room feel like home," Michelle said. 

“But by and large, we let her take care of herself. As a parent, one of the most important things we can give our children is the freedom to find their own way in the world.”

“It was, of course, a little emotional to drop Sasha off at college,” Michelle admitted. She said “the tough part” has been “missing our girls.” Michelle and Barack Obama's eldest daughter Malia is currently attending Harvard University. 

“It’s an adjustment to see each other for a weekend here, a holiday break there, but the moments we do spend together feel extra special because of it,” Michelle said. 

Although both of her girls have left the nest, Michelle isn't broken up about it because "I also have the resources that if I really get sad, I’ll go see them," she said. 

"Unlike my parents, who dropped me off at college and just had a phone call, I text with my kids. I can text [Malia] right this second and know exactly what she’s thinking. I don’t feel like she’s away, I feel like she’s off on her next adventure, so I’m excited about her."

She added, "I don’t need my children to make me happy. I had them so that they’d be happy.” The mom is also quite busy just on her own, after releasing her successful memoir "Becoming," and doing a sold-out book tour, Michelle and Barack also partnered with Netflix to produce a documentary.

In addition, Michelle continues to focus on efforts within her and Barack's foundation especially their initiatives to increase girls' access to education around the world. 

“Barack and I try to make sure that our daughters know that there’s no limit to what they can be or what they can achieve,” Michelle said.

 “They don’t learn that if their parents treat them like delicate little ornaments, set aside so they won’t break. Girls need to have the chance to create and  explore and skin their knees from time to time, too.”

(Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images/ Getty Images News)

With her girls being gone, Michelle has realized that she and Barack now have ample time to spend together. “We’ve rediscovered all these little pockets of time, just me and Barack, that for a couple of decades have been filled with school events or sports practices,” she told People

“We’re taking full advantage of this new normal, simply spending time with each other and remembering what brought us together in the first place. Sometimes I’ll get a glimpse of him and just go, ‘Hey you! Where have you been for 21 years?’"

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