After Man Notices Teen Walking 10 Miles In Snow To Attend Job Interview, He Makes Him A Generous Offer

Dec 02, 2021

Going to a job interview can be nerve-racking. Not only do you have to show your best side, you also have to beat out other people who are vying for the same position. It is a competitive market everywhere, so landing a job can sometimes be a challenge. Another issue that many people face is the lack of jobs for someone who does not have a college degree. This can lead to someone applying for a job that pays minimum wage to make their way up the ladder. 

Getting a minimum wage is not a bad thing at all — jobs that are offered at this salary can effectively teach a good work ethic and build team working skills among other advantages. As long as the person who is providing the job is a helpful and supportive manager, a minimum age job can be rewarding and a great stepping stone to go onto better opportunities. 

For Jhaqueil Reagan, his immediate willingness to work despite difficult circumstances moved Art Bouvier, the proprietor of Papa Roux, a Cajun restaurant in Indianapolis, enough to offer him the job right away with another incredible perk: Reagan was offered double the salary! 

Reagan had been looking for jobs in 2013 but had not had the best luck, In fact, he had to walk to every interview because he did not even have enough money for bus fare. In the deep cold of winter, Reagan had continued to walk everywhere in the hopes of landing a job. Bouvier was impressed by the young man's dedication and did not hesitate to do the right thing. 

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Speaking to the Daily Mail, Bouvier said that Reagan approached him to ask for directions when he was laying out rock salt after an ice storm the previous night. Bouvier realized that the place the teen had to get to was quite far. "I said, 'Buddy that's probably six, seven miles.' I said, 'You'd be better off on a bus especially in this weather.' He just said, 'Okay, thank you.' And he kept going." 

Bouvier ran into the teen again when he was making his way to a coffee shop with his wife and immediately asked Reagan if he needed a ride, which Reagan was grateful for. On the way, Reagan explained that he was making his way to an interview at Dairy Queen and that he was taking care of his brothers and sisters after his mother passed away 2 years prior. He had to drop out of high school to do so. Moved by his story as well as his determination, Bouvier offered him a job on the spot for double the minimum wage, which was $7.50 at the time. 

Naturally, Reagan accepted right away and began his first day the very next week. Speaking about the experience, he said, "It’s crazy. I don’t even know. It’s really crazy. My heart’s just racing right now. I’m just too excited, just excited to start." Stories like this show us that good people can be found everywhere and that sometimes, a person's luck can change right away if he holds out his hope and determination for long enough. 

In fact, CNN reported that Reagan decided to pay the good fortune forward and started his own non-profit, the Jhaqueil Reagan Foundation, to help other disadvantaged people find jobs.

What do you think of Art Bouvier's offer to young Jhaqueil Reagan? Tell us your thoughts, and be sure to pass this story on to your friends as well. 

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