After A Crazy Night Out, Woman Wakes Up To Find A Stolen Dog In Her Bed

Sep 20, 2018

If you have ever had too much to drink, then you know that we all do crazy and sometimes embarrassing things when we are drunk.

Have you ever seen the things people say when drunk at weddings? Things they would never say if they were sober, that's for sure! Alcohol makes us do and say things that we definitely regret the next day.

In some ways, I do feel for Toni Robinson, a drunk dog kidnapper. Tobi woke up with a very unusual guest sitting next to her in bed after a crazy, alcohol-fueled night out.

But this wasn’t the first time it happened to her!

Toni woke up extremely hungover after being out on the town drinking the night before. When she awakened, she realized that there was a dog in her bed beside her. Unfortunately, that dog wasn’t hers! While most people would be alarmed right off the bat, Toni wasn’t. Why? This was the third time this had happened to her. Who does this sort of thing? Toni, apparently!

Watch the hysterical video below:

In her video, she talks about naming the dog Violet, as they had been drinking Parma Violet gin when they dog-napped her.

She says that they shared their bed with the dog, actually named Princess, and even had a long, meaningful conversation with it.

She said they did not even think about the owners at the time.

Toni goes on to tell viewers that she has now taken three dogs while drunk. She only realized what had happened when she woke up to the dog moving around.

Princess was returned safe and sound to her owners after the video. They were just fine with Tori’s shenanigans when she brought her back, and we are glad she is in good hands after her crazy night out.

Speaking of reuniting dogs, one pup was reunited with his long-lost brother at a dog park while running around.

Louie, owned by Walela Nehanda, was running about when he greeted another labradoodle in the park. The owners realized what had happened quickly- they were long-lost brothers. Did the dogs know, though?

According to the owner, Louie stopped and stared at a dog a bit away at the park. They started moving towards one another as if they recognized each other.

When they finally met up, they clearly looked similar. So the owners started to talk and realized that they got the dogs from the same people, confirming that the two were indeed brothers.

The photo of the dogs together again has more than 513k likes and 120k retweets so far. Many people have commented with pictures of their own beautiful labradoodles.

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