Adorable Senior Cat Celebrates His 13th Birthday

Apr 27, 2019

If you’ve ever owned a cat, you know what beautiful creatures they are. Their sassy attitudes complement their loyalty perfectly, making them a well-rounded animal that makes a great pet for just about anyone.

Cats have so many unique traits and qualities that it’s enjoyable to watch them go about their days, curious about everything that surrounds them. Even just watching them play innocently is enough to melt your heart.

The internet is known for the sheer amount of viral cat videos that get posted and shared, and this clip is no exception! The video features a 13-year-old cat celebrating his birthday with his owner. The adorable cat’s name is Tigrou, and it’s clear that his owner loves him like he’s her own child!

If you’ve never had a pet, you may think that the idea of a birthday celebration for a feline friend is a little over the top. But the truth is that cats bond so intently with their owners that they deserve a little celebration once in a while!

Our pets become our best friends, so throwing them a birthday party is the least we can do to show our appreciation for all the wonderful qualities they bring to our homes. In lieu of actual birthday cake, many owners choose to give their pets a serving of wet food or even bake them their own cake using a recipe that is edible for cats.

It’s worth it once you see the final outcome: an adorable video featuring one happy senior cat about to get his birthday treat!

Having birthday celebrations for animals has actually become quite popular with the invention of the internet. You’ll often see videos of pets celebrating their special days posted online for others to witness and enjoy.

Pets often receive new toys, their favorite food, or just a party where all the other animals in the household attend to pay tribute to their furry friend. In this video, Tigrou turns 13 years old!

Obviously, once a cat becomes a senior, it’s even more important to make them feel loved and appreciated as they age.

Tigrou’s owner knows just how much her cat will appreciate this special serving of food on his big day. You can watch this senior cat’s special birthday celebration in the video below. What do you think about this clip? Do you celebrate birthdays with your pets?