Adorable Sea Lion Pup Jumped Onto Boat And Cuddled Driver

May 28, 2020

Back in 2013, California man James Gilkinson was boating with his niece off of Newport Beach in California when an unexpected visitor decided to hop on his boat.

A baby sea lion jumped onto the boat and rested there for around an hour before jumping back into the sea. 

A Seemingly Ordinary Day

No stranger to the sea, California native James Gilkinson was sailing out with his eleven-year-old niece for a day on the water. Off the coast of Newport Beach, a sea lion pup approached the boat and began swimming in circles, curious about what was happening up on deck.

The sea lion pup seemed to tire, and he approached the boat, climbing onto the back as if it was the most natural thing in the world to do so. Cautiously, James and his niece watched the activity from the other side of the boat.

The pup hung out for a while, soaking up some sun and getting his second wind, and he wanted to show his appreciation for the landing spot. He approached Gilkinson and began sniffing his leg, then proceeded to rub his nose up and down his pant leg, snuggling with him and resting on his shoe for at least an hour.

While talking to The Huffington Post James Gilkinson said:

"It was one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had. I appreciated every second because I didn't know how long it was going to last."

Eventually, it was time for James and his niece to return to the harbor, so they knew they'd have to say goodbye to their new friend. It seemed as if the pup understood what was going on. James told the pup that it was time for them to go, and the pup happily made his way back to the end of the boat and jumped off, splashing away as if nothing had happened.

Gilkinson noted that according to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration guidelines, people aren't supposed to approach sea lions and other wildlife. Gilkinson told The Huffington Post:

"This was completely on the sea lion's terms...we are grateful that it happened."

What an experience! James and his niece had the chance to interact with a wild animal, and what a joyful time it was! Do you know of another story like this one? Let us know and pass this on to other animal lovers to enjoy!