Adorable Sassy Toddler Has Some Strong Opinions About Time Out

Jun 17, 2021

Children are fascinating little creatures. Their honesty is something people both love and hate in equal measure, but sometimes they seem to go even beyond that and get lost in their own little universe. Without even meaning to, they can make the most hilarious situations seemingly out of thin air.

Sometimes, they don’t seem to remember that they are children; their attitudes begin to show early in life, and even their teachers can’t win against them. That was the case for one little girl named Jayla. In this video that was shown on Steve Harvey's talk show in 2019, a little girl goes on a hilarious rant when her preschool teacher puts her in time out — and she did more than just protest. 

Speaking back to her teacher, the girl shows that even at the tender age of 3 she already has a fierce attitude and won't be told what to do — even if the way she's acting has earned her a time out! 

Harvey was trying to break down how she could act that way at such a young age, wondering if perhaps she was even born with that kind of demeanor? He also likened her actions to a friend that's gotten drunk — and he's not wrong!

Whatever the reason behind it, this little girl just would not bow down to her teacher and the result is hilarious and pretty adorable. Of course, if it was your own kid talking to you like that it probably wouldn't be so cute, but seeing her lift her hand and dish it back to her teacher is just too funny not to giggle about.  

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

In the video, which was shown on the talk show "Steve" in 2019, a little girl who is in kindergarten has gotten a time out. But instead of accepting her punishment, she gets into a heated argument with her teacher, even calling her by the wrong name! What ensues is a row neither of them is bound to forget. In her moment of frustration being put in time out, the toddler appears to become someone else, and she’s not afraid to get feisty with her teacher. Her attitude is so comical that, rather than stay angry with her, you can’t help but break down at some of the things she says. 

Perhaps the highlight of the exchange is when the teacher says, “You’re supposed to be back in time-out. I didn’t say get out. You in jail and time-out.” The little girl, whose name is Jayla, replies, “Well, let me tell you,” as she is not in the least bit intimidated. She goes on, saying, “Listen, Linda.” Her teacher’s name is not even Linda! No one can figure out why she changed her teacher’s name in that moment of frustration; some say that she is mimicking another video that went viral earlier, where a little boy got personal with his mom over some cupcakes. 

Nevertheless, the teacher replies to her, "My name ain't Linda," causing the little girl to go quiet for a moment. But their banter doesn't end there, with the girl adding that she would take a day off from "these kids" if she could. Her arguments don't really make sense but that's why they're so funny!

The video of this argument went viral after it was featured on Steve Harvey’s show, and the host just couldn't get enough of it. When introducing it to his audience, Harvey said:

“Some people are born with talent. Some people are born with good looks. In the case of this three-year-old girl that I’m about to show you in this video, some people are born with attitude.”

Well, he wasn't wrong about that. After showing it to the audience once, he then asks them to rewatch it, while thinking about if the little girl who's arguing would be someone they know who happens to be drunk. As he points out by stopping and starting the video, the similarities are well and truly there — the little girl could literally be anyone we've seen arguing in a bar or nightclub! That makes the whole ordeal even funnier. 

In the end, the time out might not have made the toddler see the error of her ways, but it gave the rest of us a laugh when we needed it most. Wherever this kid got her attitude, it made her internet famous and even had Steve Harvey laughing. We can’t help but wonder about the teacher though — it must have been very hard for her to keep a straight face! Not to mention, the teacher and student would have to see each other again every day after this one. Although she didn't "win" this argument, Jayla exerted her authority and stood up for herself, whether she was right or wrong. And that, certainly, takes a whole lot of attitude!  

Do you know a toddler who has an attitude of their own or a teacher or parent that needs a chuckle? Pass on this story to others so they can have a laugh, too! 

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