Adorable Baby Deer Believes Logger Is Its Mother

Aug 27, 2020

No matter how old you are, you’re never too old to be stopped in your tracks when you come across a deer in a wooded area. There’s something about seeing a deer that is simply beautiful and amazing all at once. Deer are such graceful, elegant creatures. And baby deer maybe even more so.

In this video from 2011, a logger stopped his truck to help a baby deer he saw alone on the side of the road. But what he didn't expect was for the adorable deer to mistake him for its mother!

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

Recently, a logger was on a wooded road going about his usual routine when he spotted some very young deer, likely still considered babies. The baby deer appeared to be lonely and they didn’t seem to be with their moms, which is unusual for deer at such a tender young age.

Deer this young would typically always be very close to at least one mother at all times until growing old enough to take care of themselves.

When the logger saw the tiny baby deer, he was shocked for a moment. He immediately pulled his large truck to a stop on the side of the road, as he knew that if he wasn’t very careful, the deer might run out in front of his truck and he could accidentally run them over no matter how hard he tried to avoid them.

Instead of simply driving on at a very slow pace and being exceptionally cautious of the young deer, the driver chose to hop out of his truck and slow down to capture the precious moment.

The baby deer seemed to be tuckered out and were taking a rest, lying down on the side of the road. Due to the deer’s young age, they apparently hadn’t yet developed a fear of humans and didn’t move as the kind logger approached them. After all, he just wanted to say hello and snap a few pictures.

As the man approached, one of the baby deer seemed to mistake him for her mama! In the video, you can hear the man talking aloud, saying that they are coming right toward him and then saying to the deer, “No, I’m not who you think I am.”

The baby deer nuzzled the man and then started following him around. The man proceeded to laugh and smile at the deer’s case of mistaken identity before he walked the tiny baby deer back into the bushes where they would be safe.

Wouldn’t you love to have an adorable baby deer mistake you as its parent for a few minutes and cozy up to you? Pass this story along to all the animal lovers you know that would love to see the adorable video of this baby deer and its mama mix-up!

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