About 126 NICU Nurses Split The Lottery Winnings To Do Something Incredible With The Money

Nov 23, 2018

You've probably heard of large groups pooling their money together to purchase lottery tickets so that they stand a better chance of winning the jackpot. Over 120 NICU nurses decided to get a few tickets to try their luck, and the results are extraordinary.

Even though there was only one winner in the $1.5 billion jackpot, there were still several winners of smaller prizes. The group of 126 nurses waited together as the numbers were being called to see if they had won. After the numbers were called, they checked their tickets and were excited to learn that they would all share a prize of $10,000.


Each person who went in with the group won $50 after the taxes were paid. The nurses could have bought clothes, accessories, or other personal items with their winnings. Instead, they gathered all of their money together to do something a bit different.

Nurses are often called angels, and Stephanie Brinkman is one of the angels who decided to put her money in with the other nurses to make a difference for someone else. They didn't think that they would win any money, so donating their winnings was only the right thing to do so that they could ensure someone else benefited.

They divided the $7,000 that they won between two hospital workers. One had been diagnosed with cancer earlier in the year and one had lost her child to suicide only a few months before the lottery drawing.

Find out what the workers will do with the money and how the nurses felt about donating their winnings. Do you know any friend or family member who is a nurse? Send this beautiful act of kindness to your loved ones and brighten their day!