Abandoned Hairless Hamster Gets Gifted A Tiny Sweater To Keep Her Warm

Oct 29, 2019

Hamsters are known for being adorably cuddly and curious pets. However, when one humane society received a hamster that could no longer be cared for by its owner, the staff had to make some unique arrangements to make their new resident more comfortable.

The hamster that was brought in to the Oregon Humane Society was different from other hamsters because it suffered from a genetic anomaly that kept it from growing any hair. An observant humane society staff member also noticed that the tiny hamster, which was named Silky, seemed to be shivering.


Fortunately for Silky, one of the staff members at the Oregon Humane Society knew how to crochet, and made the tiny hamster a sweater to help it to stay warm.

Although Silky wears her adorable sweater sometimes, the staff tries to keep her in a warm area most of the time to let her delicate skin breathe and to keep her from eating the sweater. Silky is also fed a high-protein diet to help her body generate more heat.

The staff at the Oregon Humane Society is trying to help tiny Silky recover from an eye infection so she can be adopted by someone who will love her and meet her unique needs. Although Silky is hairless, the humane society staff reports that she is still enjoys playtime and cuddles.

Send this heartwarming story about a hairless hamster seeking a forever home to someone who knows that a heart full of love is more important than a head (or body) full of hair.