A Whole Herd Of Elephants Bands Together To Help A Baby Elephant Trapped In A Pit

Jul 30, 2018

You’ll love this adorable footage of a baby elephant being rescued by his herd when he gets trapped in a water hole. It happened a couple of years ago in South Africa in Kruger National Park.

Onne Veger is the owner of Wild Wings Safaris. He explained that the little elephant in the video was just a couple of months old. He went down into the water hole with the rest of the herd to get a drink, but he had a lot of trouble getting back out as the rest of the herd started to move on.


You can see the poor little thing try to climb up and out of the hole, but his efforts are not getting him anywhere!

The ledge really isn’t that high, but for a baby elephant, it is quite the challenge!

He is able to stretch his front legs out enough to get onto higher ground. But his hind legs still prove to be a problem when he realizes he just isn’t strong enough yet.

The mother steps in to help when she realizes her baby is having problems. However, she can’t get him out, either.

Veger said that while the mom stopped to help, she had problems herself. She wasn’t sure what to do next!

She appeared to be showing the baby how to do it, as she climbed in and out of the pit herself. The baby tried to copy her, but he just couldn’t get a good grip on the slippery side.

The mother even seems to offer her own hind legs as leverage for the baby at one point. However, his trunk was still too short.

The mother was obviously young herself, judging from the size of her tusks, and may have been a first-time mom. So she was inexperienced herself and wasn’t sure what to do.

The other adults in the herd finally took notice of the commotion. An older female joins them. Veger says you can tell she is older by her larger tusks and her thicker trunk.

The two then use their trunks to push up on the baby as hard as they can.

With teamwork, the baby finally climbs up and out of the water pit! All is now well, thanks to help from the herd!

Did you find this video as adorable as we did? Let us know in the comments and pass this along to others!