A White Colored Giraffe Was Discovered In The Hirola Conservation Program In Kenya

Aug 22, 2018

An unusual yet amazing sighting came from the most unlikely of sources in this story: a shepherd. This man was performing his usual task of allowing his animals to graze near the Hirola Conservation, located in Kenya.

The shepherd discovered something amazing while spending time with his animals. While his animals were grazing in the location surrounding the conservation, his eyes fell onto something out of the ordinary and the sight was unbelievable. To see if his eyes were deceiving him, he got closer to confirm his suspicions.

What the Shepherd saw was a fully grown, rare white-colored giraffe. He was alarmed at the sight of the animal, but the giraffe was real. He hurried to take this finding to the other locals. Once he arrived back at his village, he announced to everyone what he had seen. Soon, the news found it’s way back to officials at the Hirola Conservation Program and they were ecstatic.


To decipher whether the shepherd was telling the truth or not, officials of the program began to take action themselves. They went on the search for the white giraffe and found him in the same spot where the shepherd had first spotted him. Nearby the white giraffe was a young baby, suspected to be the child of the rare colored giraffe. The team took almost half an hour of their time to take videos and photograph the giraffe, who didn’t seem to mind at all and was calm during the entire process.

After the officials confirmed the sighting of a rare white giraffe, photographs were shared around the internet. Although this wasn’t the first sighting of a giraffe of this nature, it is still an amazing thing to witness. Two other cases of white giraffes were reported in other locations. Scientists worked hard to try to explain the condition and came up with two possible outcomes to the scenario.

The first, and the more obvious case could be that the giraffes have Albinism, a condition where the body refuses to generate the compound of melanin and the body takes on a white color. Another explanation could be the existence of Leucism. This condition is one where the body’s cells go through scarcity of a bunch of different pigments, also resulting in a lack of color externally. Although albinism could still be the explanation, most scientists believe these giraffes have Leucism.

No matter what the reason, it’s still an amazing sight to see. The shepherd’s findings that day could potentially lead to more and more sightings of these white colored giraffes. We should be grateful that animals this beautiful and rare still exist on the planet. What do you think about the rare giraffe? Pass this incredible news to other nature-lovers.