A Simple Riddle For Children But Not All Adults Can Answer It: What Can Run But Cannot Walk?

May 27, 2019

Most of us grew up trying to figure out all kinds of riddles. Our grandparents, parents, teachers, and friends all managed to come up with one that would leave us scratching our heads throughout the day. 

If you enjoyed trying to solve these riddles, then you might just want to check out the one we have for you over here. Although children find it pretty easy, many adults actually struggle with figuring it out. 

If you enjoyed trying to solve these riddles, then you might just want to check out the one we have for you over here. Although children find it pretty easy, many adults actually struggle with figuring it out. 


Because adults tend to overcomplicate and overthink things, they can't get to the answer as fast as children can. You might want to give your kid a go at it too but before you do, try to figure it out for yourself. 


Still not coming to you? Maybe this will help: try thinking about it as a child. 

So? How are you doing? Have you managed to figure out what runs but never walks? If you have then you can find the answer down below to see if you got it correct.


See! It's much easier than you thought, isn't it? It's really just a play on words!

How did you do? Did you manage to figure it out? Let us know in the comments - and make sure you pass this along to your friends and family!