A Police Officer Purchases A New Toy For A Little Boy Whose Toy Package Was Stolen From His Front Door

Dec 13, 2018

The Christmas season is a time children feel the most hopeful. Waiting for Santa Claus to burst down the chimney with a sack full of toys is one of the most magical experiences for a child to have each year.

Despite the joy and feeling of goodwill, the Christmas season can also be a time where desperate individuals resort to stealing. As people order gifts online, thieves take the opportunity to swoop in and steal presents long before they even get a chance to be placed under the Christmas tree.

This was the case for a family in Youngstown, Ohio. Preparing for the Christmas blitz, Brian Koeppen ordered a toy for his son. As the November 30 delivery date passed and the package was nowhere in sight, Brian took a look at footage from his front door surveillance camera.

A shocked Brian saw footage of a man brazenly approaching his front porch and carrying off his son’s new toy. An understandably angry Brian took to Facebook, warning his neighbors of a package thief in the area.


After Brian contacted the Youngstown Police Department, Officer Joe Wess came to the house to assess the situation. Greatly saddened by what had happened to the Koeppen family, Officer Wess decided to make things right on his own accord.

The following week, Office Wess once again visited the Koeppen family, this time with the boy’s new toy.

Once again taking to Facebook, Brian explained that Officer Wess was so upset by what had happened to Brian’s son that he spent his own money to replace the toy. Brian was overwhelmed by Officer Wess’ generosity, telling his friends on Facebook that the kindness shown by Officer Wess restored his faith in humanity. Brian looks forward to a chance to follow Officer Wess’ example and do good for another person.

What do you think of Officer Wess’ actions? Have you ever had a package stolen from your property? Let us know in the comments and pass this article along to your friends and family to give them some holiday cheer!