A Mother Posted Her Son's School Photos Wanting Sympathy, But The Internet Couldn't Stop Cracking Up

May 13, 2019

For most parent and children, the time when picture day arrives is an honest nightmare. Between last-minute fixes, good intentions that end up a disaster, and just the general fuss to make sure everything is perfect for this one day so that you can appreciate these photos of this time in a child's life for years to come.

You're probably just praying that the pictures will be taken before lunch and recess! That all of the efforts you made won't be destroyed before the picture you planned for is taken.

It is a fundamental aspect of raising children, you simply must be prepared for life's little disasters. No matter how carefully you planned, there may always just be something that throws it all off.


This is exactly what happened when Stronajai Miles, an unsuspecting mother who was about to face a minor picture day disaster, pulling out the fresh photos of her some from his backpack. What she saw made her jaw drop in surprise.

The little man was sporting a fierce expression. No sweet smiles to match the sweet outfit she helped pick out for him. Nope, his powerful personality was on full display as the snapshot featured him in a mid-roar, with his mouth wide open bearing those pearly teeth.

To make a story short, this mother was horrified. A years opportunity ruined. She was so distraught that her surprise turned to anger and she couldn't believe that this would happen. how did the school let these get printed?

But it was not too long until she started seeing the humor in it all. That's right, after a while she reflected and found the situation very funny indeed.

Even so, her anger never stood a chance. Once she posted his pictures to the internet, everyone was roaring with him, with laughter! They couldn't believe how funny those pictures turned out.

Everyone had a good laugh and this mama learned to adore these unique and expressive photos even more.

Everyone agrees this little guy is a special one, and the willingness to be yourself is a rare trait to have.

It would be wonderful if more people understood how to be bold like him! Do not waste the opportunity to inspire your friends to express themselves and not take life too seriously.