A Miracle For Relief: These Short Daily Stretches Will Let You Enjoy Life Without Back Pain

Jun 16, 2018

Nearly 85 million people in the U.S. have some form of back pain. Back problems have become such a prevalent issue in this country that you can find a list of at least 10 different kinds of health care professionals on your insurance provider site that specializes in treating back problems. 

You can dedicate yourself to trying to be more active to help alleviate some of the pain, but if you begin a daily exercise regimen to stretch out your back muscles, you need to ensure that you are doing the right kind of exercises that will help and not hurt your chronic back pain. First, use an exercise/yoga mat for any exercising and do some basic warm-up stretches beforehand. Then, you can try a few of these exercises that will take twenty to thirty minutes of your day to complete: 


1. Spinal Twist 

Take a position on your back and elongate your arms so that they are at a 90-degree angle at your sides. Then, slowly elevate one leg. As you do this, take the opposite hand and pull that leg over your other leg as far as you comfortably can, turning your head in the opposition direction. Try holding the position for approximately 30 seconds without straining. Repeat this for the other leg. Do this one more time and complete. 

2. Cat/Cow Posture 

Take a position on your knees and your palms flatly in front of you on your mat about a hip-distance in length between your knees and shoulders. You should have your wrists positioned slightly under your shoulders as well. As you breathe in through your nose, create an arch of your back and slowly lift your head. As you slowly exhale through your nose, curve your spine and drop your head slowly toward your navel. The entire motion should take you approximately 60 seconds to complete. 

3. Stretching of Hamstrings 

As any athlete will tell you, a hamstring exercise helps the elongate the muscles in your thighs as well as develop more strength in them. This is good for your back because it will allow you to alleviate pressure being put on your back muscles. You will also need a stretching rope for this exercise. 

Take a position on your back as if you are lying down in bed. Bend one of your legs up just enough to secure the exercise rope around the ball of your foot while holding each end so that it is stretched enough to not fall off the bottom of your foot. Then, straighten that leg and slowly pull the leg straight up as far as you can without straining and hold this for at least 30 seconds if you can. Repeat for the other leg. 

4. Knee Pulls 

This simple exercise helps with joint movement and overall agility while stretching out the lower back muscles. Lie down flat on your back. Lift one leg and surround your knee with both hands as you pull your knee in closer and closer to your chest. Hold this for at least 20 seconds. Repeat it again for the other leg. This process should be done at least two more times. 

5. Psoas Pose 

This exercise gets its name form the muscle that exists under the hip region that is the foundation of the spinal region, stabilizing it and working to deter back pain in that area. Strengthening the psoas muscle helps in this endeavor. 

Stand on your mat and move one leg in front of your and the other towards the back of the mat while keeping our posture as straight as possible. Bend your front knee and hold this for several seconds. Then, slowly lower your back knee and attempt to touch the floor with it. Stay as straight as you can and try to pull your back heel with your closest hand, holding for up to 60 seconds comfortably but with some stretching. Repeat this process, changing legs at least two more times. 

6. Cobra Stretch 

This is a staple in most yoga classes as it not only strengthens shoulder muscles, but it helps with strengthening the muscles around the spine and overall flexibility. You must take a position on your stomach and position your hands, palms down, near your chest area. Slowly lift yourself from the head to the navel region off the mat in order to create an arching position without straining for at least a half a minute. You should repeat this at least three more times. 

7. Child’s Yoga Pose 

This is a very popular relaxation and release pose for releasing muscle strain and stress in general. Take a position with your palms flat on the floor and your knees which should be positioned slightly under your hips. Stretch both of your arms, palms still flat, in front of you. Then, gently move your hips back on your heels, dropping your head down to the mat at the same time. Hold for at least 30 seconds and then repeat for a bit of additional stress relief. 

8. Forward Bend (seated) 

This is exceptionally good for the lumbar region of your back to relieve any back pain that you are suffering in that area. Sit down and sit as straight as you can. Then, with straight legs, open them to each side as wide you can go without straining. Breathe in through your nose and simultaneously raise both arms in a straight position above your head. As you exhale, move each arm outward, one at a time, and attempt to touch your toes as you bend your head forward as far down as you can go in front of you. Hold this pose for at least 20 seconds and then slowly come up to a standing position. 

9. Pyramid Stance 

This is also known as the downward facing dog pose in most yoga routines and works to stretch out a variety of areas including the calves, hamstrings, and shoulder muscles which all contribute to the rigidity of the spine. Take a position on your hands and knees, wrists should be roughly hip-distance apart, and gently elevate your hips into the air. As you do this, your breathing should be slow and steady. Once you are positioned properly, you should appear to be in a “triangle” posture. Hold this for approximately 20 seconds, then slowly return to your hands and knees without repeating again. 

Have you seen any success with these exercises before? Show this article to someone you know who is suffering from back pain - it could help them immensely!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!