A Man Dressed As Elsa From "Frozen" Single-Handedly Freed A Boston Police Wagon Stuck In Snow Like A True Queen

Mar 15, 2018

Heroes can be found in the strangest and toughest of times. During the recent blizzard in Boston, 37-year-old Jason Triplett thought he'd dress the part and give his friends a laugh at the same time by dressing up as Elsa from Disney's "Frozen". He had no idea he would later have to take on the role of hero too!


When he isn't busy being an Ice Queen, Jason is an attorney in Boston. On this day though, it wasn't his legal prowess that saved the day. Instead, he used brute force to help move a stranded police van out of a snow drift.

His friend Christopher Haynes caught the heroic act on camera. Unfortunately, only Jason decided to dress up for the weather but we're glad he did. While others stood back and watched, he stepped in to rescue a stranded police van.

Watch the heroic act in full below. Be sure to let us know in the comments what you thought of his actions! Would you have stepped in like he did?

Watch and be amazed:



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