A Jogger From San Francisco Creates Artworks With His Running Routes, And The Results Are Inspiring

Aug 14, 2019

Lenny Maughan is an endurance runner who is leagues ahead of your average jogging enthusiast. This San Francisco based endurance runner has a great mind for creativity when it comes to motivating himself to keep up the pace!

Maughan has turned his boring city into an extravagant canvas to share lighthearted doodles with the world. Where did this awesome idea come from? It’s so simple that it’s amazing no one else had done it before!


This massive expression of creativity is all thanks to one of many specialized applications that anyone could download onto their smart devices. Professional athletes often use these type of GPS tracking programs to get a great understanding of their performance on long runs. Maughan uses those type of applications to map out his routes beforehand as he said to Fox News 10.

He’s drawing on the map of San Francisco by tracking his running routes, he says that he created one piece of work per month for the last four years. Each creation has its unique ups-and-downs according to Maughan. He has made it clear that the most challenging part is completing each run in one session, as San Francisco is known for its hills Maughan has to run up and down all of them. 

His most viral design was meant to resemble the famous artist Frida Kahlo. The image spread like a wildfire on Reddit after Maughan’s friend uploaded a screenshot. It took the runner nearly thirty miles of jogging before he was able to finish the final project.

Maughan has claimed that drawing the initial sketches sometimes takes longer than the actual run needed to complete them. That’s because he has to find the perfect area to complete his route, and he needs to make sure that he won’t take any wrong turns.

What’s your favorite way to stay motivated while staying fit? Do you have any neat tricks that you use to stay motivated when working out? Tell us below. Send this article onto somebody who would be inspired by this story.