A 54-Year-Old Woman Stuck Without Food Or Light For 5 Days Was Rescued By Heroic Mailman

Nov 06, 2018

Part of doing a good job at work is being aware of your surroundings and responding appropriately to unexpected situations. In one instance, this alertness ended up making the difference between life and death. The worker in question wasn't an ER doctor or a first responder. Instead, it was an unlikely hero rising to the occasion during a time of crisis.

A 54-year old resident of Chesaning, Michigan was saved after spending nearly an entire week unable to get out of her bathtub. Alison Gibson was trapped in her home's restroom for five long, agonizing days. On October 15, she got into her bathtub but found herself stuck after realizing that the handrails were beyond her grasp.

To make matters worse, she had accidentally forgotten to bring her phone with her into the bathroom. Gibson was traumatized by the unfortunate event.


As shown on WJRT-TV, she describes her helpless feeling as the phone kept ringing but she couldn't get up to answer it. Family and friends were starting to wonder what had happened to her. She was left waiting and hoping that someone would come to her rescue.

Thankfully, help finally did arrive in the form of an observant postal worker. He noticed her mailbox getting chock full of mail from several days of Gibson not being able to empty it out. That's when the postal worker decided to go up to the house. When he did, he heard Gibson begging for assistance.

The postal worker immediately notified emergency, and local police quickly came to the scene.

Gibson explained that she was simply not capable of pulling herself up out of the bathtub since the handrail was behind her and she couldn't get her body turned the right way to grab it. So she had to sit there in the tub. When she was cold, she had to run hot water into the tub to stay warm.

She drank out of the faucet in order to quench her thirst, but she was forced to go without food for the entire ordeal.

Chesaning Police gained entry to the home through a window. Gibson shouted to let the officers know where she was.

Due to excessive moisture from Gibson constantly needing to run hot water, the walls had developed bubbles and the door had grown moldy. One of the worst parts of the situation was that, since her bath was originally taken during the day, Gibson hadn't turned the light on. This meant that all throughout the night she was forced to be in the tub in complete darkness.

Out of precaution, Gibson spent four days in the hospital. Thankfully, she was in good enough health to be released after that. If it weren't for the actions of a thoughtful postal worker, whose identity has yet to be revealed, the story may have had a tragic ending.

Gibson is extremely thankful that someone took the time to come and check on her. She has decided that it's time for her to invest in a walk-in bathtub so she won't ever have to worry about getting stuck in her tub again.

What are your thoughts about Gibson's scary entrapment and the postal worker's actions? Do you agree that he deserves praise for going above and beyond to investigate a suspicious scenario? We'd love to know your thoughts in the comments. Pass this story along to raise awareness of bathtub safety!