900-Pound Apollo The Garguantan Liger Is Cat Not To Be Messed With

Jul 08, 2020

Apollo the liger is one of the largest cats in the world, weighing over 900lbs. On March 25, Dr. Bhagavan Antle posted a video of Apollo calling him "the world's largest cat."

Now, Apollo isn't just any member of the feline family. He is a six-year-old gargantuan liger who has taken the internet by storm. This beast has been compared to the ancient saber-tooth tiger. Saber-tooth tigers stalked huge prey and it was not uncommon for one of these behemoths to weigh in at 900 pounds.

What is a Liger?

If you thought that a liger was only a mythical creature drawn by the title character in Napoleon Dynamite, you would be wrong. A liger is the result of a tiger and lion mating. According to Daily Mail, Apollo was spawned by a female tiger and a male lion. This enormous cat was bred in the United States. A liger is considered a rare hybrid because these species live separately in the wild.

Since the 19th century, some people have taken it upon themselves to breed them. It is thought that are roughly 1,000 ligers that live in captivity all over the world. Although Apollo is huge, there is at least one liger out there who's the same size, if not more gigantic. A liger named Hercules stands 11 feet tall and weighs over 900 pounds. He eats 20 pounds of food a day to ensure that he is satisfying his food requirements.


Apollo Goes for a Walk

Due to his massive size, Apollo is bound to get lots of attention. This burly liger came into the public eye fairly recently when he was taken for a walk in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina by Kody Antle and Mike Holston, two avid animal lovers and Instagram influencers. When watching this footage, it is astonishing to see how this huge feline dwarfs the two men taking it for a walk.

At 900 pounds, it is clear that Apollo is allowing these two men the privilege of walking it. While Apollo impressed many viewers with his majestic size, some controversy did pop up when the footage was released.

Apollo Strikes Up a Debate

One clear thing was that everyone who saw the footage was blown away with Apollo's magnificent and large presence. Many were uncomfortable with what they saw. Some folks commented on the fact that they thought Apollo must have been sedated to allow himself to be taken for that walk. Others stated that, while Apollo was beautiful, the cross-breeding of a tiger and lion artificially should not be done for many reasons.

Some stated that the resulting animals often ended up with a variety of health issues like premature death, as well as bone and muscle decay. While there is no doubt that Apollo is breathtaking to look at, his existence does bring up a lot of questions. There are certainly many questions when it comes to the ethics of breeding such an animal artificially.

Where Do You Weigh In?

Did your jaw drop when you saw Apollo? Should artificially breeding two species be legal? While Apollo certainly is a beautiful animal, the debate over whether the circumstances leading to his existence should be allowed is an interesting issue.