90-Year-Old Widow Facing $2K A Day In Fines Goes Outside To Find Strangers On Her Property

Oct 05, 2018

As this widow learned, families aren't always there for you. 90-year-old Agnes struggled after a relative began using her yard as a trash dump. Her yard was soon covered in rotting, filthy garbage and rusted leftovers. The city decided to take action after they got multiple complaints.

Agnes was then stuck with a whopping daily fine of $2,500.

That's difficult enough for anyone to pay, never mind a widow without much extra financial support.

On top of this, Agnes' entire home was in significant disrepair. The roof was caving in, her air conditioner didn't work, and animals had invaded the property. Agnes had no money to cover the fine, let alone do home repairs. It was difficult for her to walk. She felt helpless.


Agnes called Operation Blessing in desperation. The goal of Operation Blessing is to demonstrate God's love by alleviating suffering anywhere in the world. Operation Blessing has helped out with natural disasters and community building for those in need. Their work is proof of how effective faith can be.

The organization was more than ready to help out with Agnes' dire situation. Volunteers cleaned up her yard. They also tore down the dilapidated shed on her yard and the trailer that had rusted away. That was the whole plan after Agnes' call for help.

However, Agnes soon discovered that Operation Blessing had gone above and beyond. They had recruited even more volunteers! They gathered enough people to do even more extensive repairs on her house. The volunteers fixed her roof and cleaned out her home so it was easier for Agnes to navigate. They also built a walkway that would be safer for Agnes to use. It was easy to do now that her yard was clear of debris.

The best surprise of all?

Operation Blessing and their team of volunteers replaced Agnes' air conditioner. No longer would she have to suffer without temperature control. Her home was complete. That kind of neighborly gesture certainly made Agnes feel very loved.

She could enjoy her new-old home even more without a fine to worry about. Operation Blessing had truly worked a miracle in her life. Too often we forget the elderly. Whoever was using Agnes' yard as a personal trash dump certainly did! The inspiring story of how Agnes was supported proves that the elderly are just as important to our society as anyone else.

What do you think of Agnes' touching story? Let us know in the comments! Pass this along to your friends and family to show them that there is still good in the world.