9-Year-Old With Down Syndrome Attempts Whitney Houston Classic, Goes Viral After Opening His Mouth

Jun 15, 2019

Whether you're a Whitney Houston fan or not, you're going to flip over this video. If you are a fan, you're going to go wild, though you might also shed a tear or two when you see the passion with which this little boy sings along with her. Take a few minutes to watch if you already haven't. You won't be sorry you did.

Dane Miller, a little boy with Down Syndrome from Prosper, Texas, has shown a love for music since he was a toddler, his mother Danna relayed when she was interviewed on Inside Edition. It was on a family car trip when Dane was nine years old in 2017 that his father recorded him singing Whitney Houston's Grammy Award-winning song from The Bodyguard, “I Have Nothing”.

Dane put so much of himself into singing the song that his father couldn't resist having a memory of it. Dane's aunt, Jeanne Miller decided to share that memory with the world and posted it online. Since then, it has gotten millions of views.


Dane's brother, Dawson, is responsible for Dane's initial interest in the song when he downloaded it for Dane to learn about a month before his car performance. A couple of Dane's other favorite artists include Taylor Swift and the Kidz Bop Kids.

Since the video went viral, the family has started a You Tube Channel called "Amazing Dane" so he can delight you with some of his other favorite activities.

Have you seen the video of Dane singing the Whitney Houston song?

You can watch it below:

Did you love this rendition of the Whitney Houston classic as much as we did? Let us know in the comments and don't forget to spread the love by showing this video to your friends and family!