9-Year-Old Boy With Terminal Illness Can Cross "Become A Police Officer For A Day" Off His Bucket List

Feb 25, 2020

We all had big dreams as children. If we haven’t managed to make them reality, many of us still occasionally reminisce about them over a cup of tea with a friend. The following account is proof that childhood dreams can still come true.

Ask a room full of grade school children, “Who wants to be a police officer when they grow up?” In spite of the negative news coverage cops have been getting, a fair number of children will raise their hands. It seems you can’t stop children from dreaming this classic childhood fantasy.


Like many children his age, 9-year-old Carter Escobar longed to be a police officer one day. Unfortunately, in July 2018, Carter was diagnosed with alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. After a year and a half of unsuccessful chemotherapy, Carter decided to tackle his bucket list which included becoming a police officer, reports CBS DFW.

There was only one thing the Fort Worth Police Department could do. They quickly made Carter Escobar an honorary police officer. Finally, Carter had a chance to serve the community he loved, in his dream job!

After a brief ceremony in which he was sworn in, Officer Escobar got to work. Throughout the day, he had the opportunity to ride in a real police car and handle official police equipment. Even his mom joined in the fun as she received updates via police radio and couldn’t believe her eyes as Officer Escobar flew above her in a police helicopter!

What a wonderful community that worked together to make Carter’s dream come true. Have you ever had the chance to make a dream come true for someone with a terminal illness? Perhaps you’ve been the one blessed by such an endeavor. Give others hope here or on another social media site by posting your heartwarming experiences.