9-Year-Old Boy Used His Pocket Money To Feed Stray Dogs And Open A No-Kill Animal Shelter

Sep 27, 2019

There are tons of heartwarming stories on the internet today of people rescuing animals in need. As wonderful as they are, it isn't always that easy to save an animal that is in distress. It takes time, perseverance, and even money.

This particular story is all about a very wonderful boy named Ken Amante. Ken is from the Philippines and is not scared of the stray dogs at all. Instead, Ken decided to do whatever he could to help the unfortunate strays that he saw every day. He helped them so much that his parents started to wonder just what he was up to every day.

Ken would use his own money to fill up a backpack with food before setting off to see the stray dogs. In 2014, his father decided that he would follow Ken to check up on what he was doing. He was shocked to find that he was feeding stray dogs in the area.


Some of these unfortunate strays were so skinny that it was astonishing. Ken even named some of the puppies that he saw every day. Two of them, Whitey and Brownie, were always with a bigger dog, Blackie. He assumed that Blackie was their mother. All three of the dogs had mange and gaping sores. They were certainly a sight to see.

The dogs were grateful to accept the food that the little boy had brought. Ken's father took some pictures of the act and posted them to Imgur, where they proceeded to go viral. All of a sudden, people from all over started to send in donations.

Even though Ken was just 9-years-old at the time, he was able to establish a no-kill shelter with all of the donations that poured in from wonderful strangers. It is called "The Happy Animals Club" and is the first no-kill shelter established in his region. It opened for business on March 31, 2014.

Ken wants to be able to save as many animals as he can. His family rented a 10,000-square-foot area and secured it. Ken stocks the shelter with imported dog and cat food. The trio of dogs that Ken first helped to feed were also the first to get medical attention. They now have a happy home- all thanks to the efforts of this amazing young man!

Are you as astonished as we are over this young boy's amazing efforts? Leave a comment and then pass this on!