9 Ways Bottled Water Is Toxic To You And The Planet

Apr 19, 2018

Cold temptations lurk at every gas station, grocery store, and convenient soda machine in the country. When you're hit with a sudden thirst for cold water, grabbing a chilled bottle of water is often the best option. The truth of the matter suggests otherwise.

If you're ready to learn the disturbing facts behind the dangers bottled water, keep reading!

Despite the beautiful picture on the label of the bottled water, there's a good chance that the water in your favorite bottled water brands could simply be tap water. According to some media sources, it is estimated that almost 25% of all bottled water comes from municipal sources of drinking water. Say what! 



Due to the lobbying and scientific research of environmental activists, scientists, and physicians, the water that is transported into your home via pipes is healthier, cleaner and more regulated than bottled water.

That may sound like a myth, but it's actually true. Due to gaps in federal oversight authority, there are significantly fewer regulations regarding bottled water than tap water.

Plastic is created using chemicals and those chemicals can leach into your bottled water over time or if left exposed to a heat source. The most prominent chemical found in plastics is BPA which is a very strong industrial chemical. Even products that are labeled as "BPA-free" have replaced BPA with other powerful chemicals as replacements.

The plastic bottles that contain your "natural spring water" cause us to consume over 17 million barrels of crude oil each year. Oil, though useful and necessary for many aspects of life, is a very toxic compound in regards to the environment. Processing oil to create plastic products and fuels causes long-term damage to air quality, drinking water, and soil.

It's easy to grab a bottle of water while you're out running errands to quench a sudden thirst, but the dollar and change that you spend on it will quickly add up.

Research analysis estimates that you could be spending as much as 300 times more money for bottled water than tap water. 

It's no secret that landfills are notoriously overflowing with plastic bottle waste. While these plastic bottles can be easily recycled, most of them aren't. When these plastic bottles begin to break down, they add their toxic chemicals to the soil and environment or find their way into the oceans to cause havoc on the ecosystem.

While many bottled water companies boast incredible health benefits of their specific type of water, studies show that these claims are largely inflated. There are no proven benefits to drinking bottled water instead of tap water. 

While bottled water is loosely regulated, municipal drinking water is continually tested for quality, safety, and cleanliness. Tap water is literally the safest water you can drink.

It may surprise you to learn that it's been estimated that creating one plastic bottle can require six to seven bottles of water. That's a lot of wasted water just to create one bottle.

These facts regarding the bottled water hype are enough to make anyone stop purchasing bottled water. It's better for your body and the environment if you simply grab a lead-free glass of tap water in your home or carry a refillable water bottle with you on-the-go.

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