9 Signs That You're Suffering From Inflammation

Jun 12, 2018

Inflammation rears it's ugly head in a variety of ways, and it can mean there is something more lurking beneath the surface. Inflammation can manifest obviously as joint pain, particularly arthritis. However, there are ways it crops up that you might not expect. Acute inflammation often has an obvious cause, such as an injured joint. It's the body reacting to protect and heal that injury. Chronic inflammation is more widespread and problematic. These 9 signs help you spot it. 


If you find you aren't getting enough or are even getting too much sleep, inflammation may be the culprit. Getting inadequate or abundant sleep can confuse your body, leading to an exaggerated inflammatory response. Your body is reacting to your sleep problems in the same way it would if you were ill. So, if you're feeling sick or your immune system feels off, start by getting the right amount of sleep. 


Pain That Doesn't Go Away

Pain is part of the human condition. Everyone gets aches and pains from time to time. However, if you're feeling achy all the time or you have pain that keeps recurring, inflammation could be the cause. 

Upset Stomach

Like pain, everyone suffers from an upset stomach from time to time. It's when you have frequent cramping, bloating, constipation or diarrhea that you should be concerned. There are lots of conditions that can cause these problems, inflammation and inflammation-causing illnesses are just some of them. It's important to get to the root cause. 

Nasal Swelling

If your nasal passages keep swelling up, you could be one of those unlucky people who has seasonal or exposure allergies. Or, you could have chronic inflammation. Your body could be reacting to an allergen, but swollen nasal passages are a sure indication of inflammation either way, so it's good to learn the underlying cause by visiting your doctor. 

Brain Fog

Inflammation has an effect on your mind as well as your body. If you're feeling a bit foggy or having trouble concentrating, it could be inflammation. Make sure you're eating a healthy, balanced diet. That can help you get back on track mentally.

Chronic Swollen Lymph Nodes

Your lymph nodes are your body's way of cleaning things up. When you have an illness, your lymph nodes react, becoming inflamed and swollen. Sometimes, you will notice this swelling as a painful lump beneath your skin. If it seems your lymph nodes act up more than usual, you should see your doctor. 

Acne and Rashes

Everyone gets a pimple or a rash from time to time. People with chronic inflammation or inflammatory diseases may suffer from them more often than is typical. If you're noticing excessive, persistent acne or chronic eczema, it might be time to see the doctor to find out if inflammation may be the cause. 


Heartburn can either cause or be caused by inflammation. Of course, it can also be caused by excessive food intake or eating spicy food. If it comes on unexpectedly and often, it's time to look for an underlying reason, such as inflammation.


Headaches and migraines can be awful, and it's common for doctors to find no underlying cause. Some people are just more prone to these painful episodes. However, sometimes neurogenic inflammation is to blame. Moreover, certain environmental factors, such as smoking, can trigger this inflammation.


Any or all of these symptoms can indicate chronic inflammation. Of course, if you notice any change in your health or rapid onset of persistent symptoms, you should always speak to your doctor. Chronic inflammation can mean there is something more serious happening beneath the surface. 


Have you experienced unusual symptoms related to inflammation? Tell us about it in the comments and pass this interesting article on to your friends and loved ones .