9 Secrets For Taking Care Of Your Long Hair

Jul 09, 2018

If you have long hair, you probably know that keeping it looking its best takes some dedication. Here are nine ways that you might be damaging your hair and solutions to keep it shiny, bouncy and healthy.

You’re Drying Out Your Curly Hair

Strong hairspray can keep your coif looking great all day. It can also make your ends brittle, increasing the chances that your strands will break. Choose a flexible-hold product, which will provide some control without damaging hair.


You’re Using Too Much Conditioner

If your hair is prone to tangles, you might feel like you need to use handfuls of conditioner just to get a comb through it. This can lead to flat, lifeless hair. Instead, use a small amount of a thick, nourishing conditioner on the ends of your hair. This will prevent greasiness and give your hair the moisture that it needs.

You’re Teasing Your Hair

Teasing, or backcombing, can break your hair. Use a volumizer with rice protein instead. Blast your roots with a hair dryer after applying volumizer for the best results.

You’re Brushing Your Hair While It’s Wet

Wet hair is fragile. Treat it properly by using a tool that speeds up drying time, like a concentrated hair dryer. Style it only after it’s dry.

You Use A Cotton Pillowcase

Rubbing your hair on your pillowcase creates friction. Use a smoother fabric, like satin, to avoid getting split ends while you sleep.

You’re Not Trimming Frequently

Although it seems counterintuitive, trimming off damaged ends can encourage your hair to grow. If you’re afraid that your stylist will cut too much length off, snip your hair at home with professional shears.

You’re Leaving Chlorine On Your Strands

After swimming in a chlorinated pool, the chemical can leave your tresses rough and dry. Remove all traces of chlorine with a specially formulated shampoo or conditioner.

Your Hair Is Rubbing Against Your Clothes

If you get a rat’s nest at the nape of your neck, the collar of your clothing might be damaging your hair. Use a brush with natural bristles to smooth hair into a sleek ponytail.

You’re Using Damaging Hair Products

Using hats and elastics on sweaty hair can lead to breakage and hat head. Braid your hair instead, and secure it with a soft, snag-free band.

Let us know if you get model-perfect hair after trying these techniques. Your friends might want you to let them in on the secrets, too.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!