9 Foods That Can Wreak Havoc On Your Vagina

May 29, 2018

Many of you readers base your diet on nutritional value or number of calories. Few of us, however, base their diet on what certain foods can do to our genitals.

If you want to alter your diet to make sure you stay date night fresh down there then you need to study up on these nine foods that can wreak havoc with your dainty “down there.” 

1. Alcohol 

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying a drink or two. However, as Doctor Angela Jones, M.D., FACOG confirms, alcohol is significantly “drying.” If your overall body is dry your vagina could become dry. If you’re not hydrated it will be harder for you to lubricate itself. 


2. Asparagus 

We all know asparagus makes your urine smell bad. Jones notes that it can also change your vagina’s pH which could give it an unappetizing odor. The stink will dissipate in a couple of days but avoid it prior to any romantic weekend. 

3. Broccoli 

Broccoli is healthy but it also can cause your vagina to smell. You don’t have to eliminate it from your diet just avoid eating before that intimate getaway. Enjoy it when you’re between men or are having some “me time.” 

4. Cheese 

According to the website livestrong.com, eating too much cheese can disturb your vagina’s bacteria levels. This Can lead to a yeast infection. Cut down on the cheese and eat more yogurt. Yogurt has probiotics that are actually good for your vagina. 

5. Coffee 

We all need our caffeine but coffee can not only increase your likelihood of getting a yeast infection but will also alter the scent of your vagina. In some cases, caffeine can set off stress which can make your body significantly more vulnerable to infections. 

6. Fried Food 

Avoid eating too much fried food. French fries are great comfort food but your vagina will thank you if you don’t go overboard. Doctor Sara Twogood MD, FACOG reports that some studies report a link between fatty foods (anything fried) with a heightened chance of getting bacterial vaginosis. 

7. Onions 

If a food can give you bad breath it can also give you vaginal odor. Medicaldaily.com reports that onions change the composition of your vagina’s bacterial flora which creates a strong, unflattering odor.

8. Refined Carbohydrates 

Like cheese, eating white rice, white bread or any other food high in refined carbohydrates, can increase the risk of yeast infections or bacterial vaginosis, The University of Maryland explains that these foods increase your blood sugar which creates a “prime environment” for hungry bacteria. 

9. Sugar 

Christine Greves, MD, OB/GYN agrees that eating foods high in sugar can increase your chances of having a yeast infection. Sugar, warm, and moisture equal yeast infection. So avoid eating lots of sugar if your panties are going to be warm and moist for any amount of time. 

Have you ever experienced any of these food-related problems? Now you know what to avoid overeating if you want to keep your private parts healthy and fresh. Make sure to tell your friends and loved ones, too! 

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!