81-Year-Old Woman Who Grew Up An Orphan Finally Meets Her 103-Year-Old Birth Mother After 60-Year Search

May 20, 2019

A woman named Eileen was just about to give up on the possibility of ever meeting the woman who gave birth to her. But just when all hope was lost, fate had it that she would find her long-lost mother living in Scotland. She went to find her and a joyous meeting followed.


The decision to give a child up for adoption is a difficult one for many women. Throughout a pregnancy, the two form a deep and subconscious bond. It is the baby's first experiences of life and the mother is feeling a flood of hormones that help her to feel connected and bonded to the baby.

But sometimes, life's circumstances do not allow a woman who has become pregnant to also become a mother.

But that bond can still be there when the two part; an invisible thread that connects them through time.


Many women may wonder about how the child they gave up for adoption is doing, and many of those children go on to wonder what type of people their birth parents were.

When Eileen Macken was 81-years-old, she was almost finished with her quest to discover the woman who gave birth to her.

But somehow, fate brought them together once more.

Eileen had grown up in a Dublin orphanage since birth. She never had any knowledge about her mother and started to seek her when she became 19.

That makes her journey to find her mom one that lasted 60 years.

We can not imagine the level of relief, joy, and anticipation she must have felt at the prospect of finally being able to hear her voice and meet her long-lost mother.

It took a genealogist to finally be able to find Eileen's mother. It was a last resort effort, and she was overjoyed when she received the call that they had found her mother for her.

After getting the news, Eileen mentioned that just being able to embrace her mother would mean so much to her. After 60-years of searching, her longing would finally be put to an end to meet this woman.

She says that she is still overjoyed from the events and is just so happy.

Watch the story in the video below:

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