80-Year-Old Woman Counts Her Blessings After 100-Foot-Tall Tree Slices Through Her Garage

Apr 29, 2020

On April 13, a 100-foot-tall tree in Hanover, Massachusetts, uprooted and came crashing down on 80-year-old Mary Thorne's garage, slicing it in half.

Mary Thorne of Hanover says she always had concerns about a nearly 100-foot tall tree in her front yard. Her fear became a reality when she heard a loud bang.

“I heard this big 'boom' like a bomb went off,” the 80-year-old said. That loud noise was the tree slamming into her garage, splitting it literally in half, presumably from the wild storm. Mary says she couldn’t afford to have the tree removed and that “the Lord took it down" for her.


She called her niece up as soon as it happened. Leann Strait says she is her aunt’s caretaker, and that Mary was home alone recovering from a heart surgery she had undergone recently when the ginormous tree crashed into the garage.

“If it fell the other way... I don’t even want to think about what could’ve happened,” Leann lamented.

Lisa tells CBS that she has no plans for moving to another home after this accident. Instead, she’s counting her blessings.

"The Lord took it down for me. I’m alive. My house is fine, and I thank God for that, he was with me."

Leann says that her aunt doesn’t have homeowners insurance, so they have no idea how they're going to afford to pay for all the damage.

Has a tree ever uprooted near your home? Tell us your experience in the comments and be sure to pass this along to your family and friends so they can take precautions.