8-Year-Old Chicago Boy Helps Out By Shoveling His Home's Steps While UPS Driver Father Is At Work

Feb 19, 2019

The winter months bring with them biting wind, inclement weather, and dreary days. These harsh conditions often bring out the worst in people, turning pleasant community members into bitter bah humbugs.

Fortunately, that’s not the case for Jadiel Luciano, a refreshingly thoughtful second-grader.

Upon returning home from school, Jadiel noticed his house’s steps were covered in snow. Jadiel’s father, a UPS driver, generally comes home after a taxing day at work only to find that chores like shoveling mounds of snow demand to be done.

An intuitive young boy, Jadiel recognized how exhausted his father is after work. In hopes of taking some of the load off, Jadiel selflessly began shoveling the snow himself without being asked or bribed.


Jadiel’s parents, Oscar and Adrianna, were especially warmed by their son’s generosity of spirit. In fact, Adrianna was so moved that she posted the video of Jadiel’s act of kindness.

Adrianna maintains that “their family prioritizes doing chores.” What’s more, they believe that chores are a “way to help Jadiel become a capable young man.” Adrianna and Oscar are thrilled that their household responsibilities have shaped Jadiel into a caring person.

After his mom shared the video on Facebook, Jadiel won the hearts of many. Spectators were quick to comment on his sweet character all while applauding Oscar and Adrianna for their dynamite parenting skills.

Jadiel beautifully demonstrated how easy it is to be kind. If Jadiel’s kindness inspired you to aid someone in need, let us know in the comments below how you plan to echo his kindness.