8 Ways To Tell If There Are Fake People In Your Life

May 29, 2018

It’s no secret that the people we allow in our lives can have a drastic and severe impact on our experiences. Therefore, it is important to be careful when choosing who we allow into our inner circles. 

Human psychology is complex, and this can make it difficult to determine who is truly in our corner, and who is merely posing as a friend. Luckily, there are some key characteristics that genuine people display that fake people definitely do not. This article lists 8 traits which can help you tell the difference between who can trust, and who you really shouldn’t. 


1. Genuine People Are Respectful 

When a person is genuine, they are considerate of the feelings of others. They don’t make sugar coated compliments, but rather, they mean exactly what they say. On the contrary, fake people often speak with condescension and view the feelings of others as irrelevant. 



2. Genuine People Don’t Seek Recognition 

While a fake person has a constant need to be praised and acknowledged for their accomplishments, a genuine person performs in order to attain results, not recognition. 


3. Genuine People Don’t Need To Be The Center Of Attention 

Spending time alone is something that is valued by a genuine person. For a fake person, however, attention is something they are constantly seeking, because they don’t feel happy unless the spotlight is on them. 


4. Genuine People Are Humble 

Arrogance is simply not in the nature of a genuine person. Much like the way they don’t rely on recognition to feel a sense of accomplishment, genuine people also do not rely on compliments in order to feel good about themselves. A fake person will work hard to fish for compliments by bragging about their success. 


5. Genuine People Are Loyal 

You will never have to worry about a genuine person stabbing you in the back -- because they won’t. If a genuine person has a problem with you, they won’t hesitate to tell you up front. On the other hand, fake people thrive off spreading gossip about others. 


6. Genuine People Follow Through 

While a fake person will make promises only to turn around and leave you in the dust, a person who is genuine will always follow through. If they do fail, they take ownership of that, instead of making excuses. 


7. Genuine People Don’t Seek Perfection 

Genuine people understand that nobody is perfect. Therefore, instead of aiming for perfection, genuine people simply look to improve themselves through constant learning. For fake people, being flawed is too difficult to accept. Instead, they try to make themselves feel better by cutting others down. 


8. Genuine People Don’t Have Ulterior Motives 

You will never have to worry about a genuine person being two-faced. When they are kind, it is for the sake of kindness, and not because they want something from you. This isn’t the case with fake people, who always expect something in return for doing something nice. 

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