8 Ways To Know If You Are An Earth Angel

May 20, 2018

In the past, Earth angels and lightworkers were highly valued in their communities. These individuals have a special spiritual connection to our world and are destined to spread positivity.

There are no physical signs, but looking out for these eight unique qualities can help you spot the Earth angels walking alongside you. 

1. They are recognized for their timeless wisdom. 

Earth angels are frequently identified as "old souls" because of the intensity of their connection to the world around them, including the spiritual world. It can feel as if they've lived several lifetimes and retained their knowledge, using it to relate to people and events in remarkable ways. 


2. They have a powerful sense of purpose. 

Do you know somebody who seems destined to do great good? While most people struggle to uncover our true purpose, Earth angels have a sense of destiny. From childhood, they feel drawn to specific goals which only becomes clearer with age. 

3. Their dreams are incredibly realistic. 

Dreams are a conduit for the spiritual world, and given their powerful connection to the other side it's no wonder that lightworkers experience vivid dreams. We all occasionally have a dream whose touch is felt after waking, but for these special individuals it's a regular occurrence. 

4. They feel strongly about those around them. 

The depth of a lightworker's love is unparalleled. They would give the shirt off their back to a stranger and they'll show up for friends in crisis at the drop of a hat. Their mission is to spread positive energy, and seeing others suffering is a powerful call to action. 

5. They don't follow the flock. 

Conformity isn't in the nature of a true Earth angel. Consumerism and greed are beyond their grasp, and they're likely to put happiness above wealth and career success. It may seem odd, but they are ambassadors for the harmonious future they envision. 

6. Their intuition is powerful and accurate. 

Do you know somebody who always trusts their gut and, without fail, gets good results? Earth angels follow their intuition, eschewing paths that seem logical and making choices that feel right to them. Their faith in their inner voice always works out. 

7. Witnessing negativity impacts them greatly. 

With an extreme sense of empathy, Earth angels can't abide by violence, anger, sorrow, or any other powerful negative emotion. This is especially true when they can do nothing to remedy the situation. Often, they must live in their own cocoon to protect themselves from the depth of suffering in today's world. 

8. They cherish their solitude. 

Everybody needs a break sometimes, and that includes lightworkers. It's incredibly taxing to fight the darkness in the world all day every day, and as such they need plenty of peace and quiet to center themselves. 

With this information, you will be able to sense the truly enlightened Earth angels living on this planet as ordinary people. You may even discover that the intense sense of purpose you feel has been a sign of your lightworker status all along.

Be sure to let others in on your secret if you've just learned of your spiritual gifts, or tell the Earth angels you know that you support their meaningful work by passing this article on.