8 Things To Eat And Drink After A Junk Food Binge

Dec 14, 2018

It's common knowledge that junk food is, well, junk. A junk food binge can wreck all kinds of havoc on your digestive system and the rest of your body. Yet most people still indulge in unhealthy foods from time to time. And because junk food has an addictive quality, it's all too common for people to overindulge.

If you're currently regretting a junk food binge and wondering how to feel better, keep reading. There are a number of things you can eat and drink that will help you recover from the binge and restore balance to your body.

Why Are Some Foods Considered "Junk"?


First of all, you might be wondering why junk food leaves you feeling so bad after you eat too much of it. The answer lies in what the junk food contains, as well as what it doesn't contain. Most unhealthy foods are laden with salt, sugar, fat, or artificial chemicals that aren't good for your body. Many of them combine more than one of these culprits into a single tasty package.

In addition to containing these harmful ingredients, most types of junk food don't contain much actual nutrition to offset the damage. This means that junk food is delicious, somewhat addictive, and not actually nourishing at all -- which is why it's so easy to continue eating it past the point of fullness.



It's true that you need to eat a certain amount of fat and salt every day to be healthy. However, eating junk food isn't a good way to get those nutrients because it's so easy to go overboard. A single junk food binge can easily put you over your recommended daily intake of fat, sodium, and sugar, all at once.

In fact, a single can of non-diet soda contains more sugar than you should consume in an entire day! Of course, it's possible to work less-than-healthy treats into a balanced diet now and then. But if you have one of those days where you accidentally eat a dozen donuts in one sitting, this article is for you.

Fortunately, you can adjust your diet after a binge to reduce the damage and feel better more quickly. And next time, maybe it will be even easier to put down the donuts after just one or two!

Here's How to Feel Better After Overindulging

1. Load up on potassium.


There's a reason why you feel so bad after you've eaten way too much salty food. All of that sodium in your body elevates your blood pressure, puts your kidneys at risk, and makes you retain water. Eating plenty of potassium can help your body process and get rid of the salt. Fruits and veggies tend to be high in potassium. A few of the best potassium-rich food choices are:

2. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.


Your body needs lots of water to flush out excess salt -- and if you've been eating high-sodium foods, you're probably pretty thirsty anyway. Chugging lots of water after a junk food binge helps your digestive system keep moving along, and it will make you feel less bloated and puffy tomorrow.

For extra healing power, ditch the ice in your glass and sip on warm water instead. Warm water may help your digestive system process the food you ate more quickly. It also stimulates your internal muscles to contract, which pushes toxins out of your digestive tract. Squeeze a wedge of lemon or lime into your warm water for even more detoxing power.

If you don't feel like drinking water right now, eat foods that have a high water content instead. Fruit is a good bet, as it contains nutrients and fiber that your body needs. Vegetables and clear, brothy soups are also good for hydrating your body.

3. Go for unprocessed grains.


Whole grains keep you feeling full long after you finish a meal, which is important after you've eaten too much junk food. Refined flour and processed sugar can cause you to experience an energy crash and crave more of the same type of junk food. Whole grains like brown rice, barley, and oats put a stop to that cycle by keeping you satisfied while providing a slow, steady release of energy.

4. Sip some cranberry juice.


If your binge has left you feeling bloated, drink some unsweetened cranberry juice to rid yourself of excess water. Cranberry juice also has health-boosting antibacterial properties. Just be sure to choose a brand without added sugar. Also, avoid cranberry juice if you've had kidney stones in the past as some doctors believe this type of juice can cause stones.

5. Choose lean protein to promote satiety.


Like high-fiber foods, lean proteins are filling but relatively low in calories. When you need nutrition after a binge, you can't go wrong by choosing a healthy protein. Good options include chicken, fish, turkey, and legumes.

6. Grate some fresh ginger root.


You might already know that ginger soothes your stomach and reduces indigestion. But did you know that this anti-inflammatory root can also help your body process an excess amount of fatty foods? It's true -- ginger is great for your liver. Try adding grated ginger to your meals, or brew a fresh cup of ginger tea to enjoy.

7. Soothe your stomach with yogurt.


Low-fat yogurt is a good source of protein, and it contains lots of beneficial bacteria that can help re-populate your gut with friendly bacteria after a binge. Look for an unsweetened variety so you aren't consuming excess sugar. Also, read the list of ingredients to make sure that the yogurt contains live and active cultures, or it won't help your gut heal from the binge.

8. Brew a pot of green tea.


Green tea lowers your cholesterol, which makes it a good beverage to drink after you've consumed a lot of fatty foods. It also hydrates you and provides valuable antioxidants.

Did you try these tips? We would love to hear how they worked for you! Spread the word by sending this article to your family and friends so they can detox after their next junk food binge, too.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation by your doctor. Your health is important to us!