8 Things That Tingling Hands and Feet Can Tell You About Your Body

Jan 10, 2019

Paresthesia, a chilling, burning, prickling, tingling, or numb sensation on your skin, is a common occurrence. Transient numbness most often occurs in the extremities, such as your hands, arms, feet, and legs. This numbness is often caused when you place pressure on certain nerves. Normal sensation typically returns when you release the pressure on these nerves. Though paresthesia is usually not a problem, it can signify the presence of other serious medical issues.

Common Symptoms of Paresthesia


Common symptoms of this condition include:


Reasons for the Tingling Sensation

While paresthesia is not usually indicative of a problem, it may indicate that you have one of the following medical issues.

Who is at Risk for Paresthesia?


Certain factors can put you at higher risk for paresthesia.

Treatment Options for Paresthesia


Paresthesia Prevention


There are some things you can do to prevent experiencing numbness and tingling in your extremities.

Do you experience paresthesia? Have you found anything helpful for relieving the symptoms? Please tell us about your experiences.