8 Solutions To Help You Maintain Beautiful Skin, Even In The Hot And Sweaty Summer Months

Jul 09, 2018

As summer brightens an otherwise dreary season of winter blues for some, the new season also presents longer days equaling increased exposure of our skin to the sun. Some people think they can solve the issue with long-sleeved shirts, wide-brimmed sun hats, and sitting in the shade, but without realizing it, your face and hands are still suffering the effects of different kinds of UV rays.

Prolonged exposure to the sun is not only a health risk for skin cancer caused by UV-B rays, but UV-A rays are the strongest type that penetrates the ozone layer and infiltrates our skin at its deepest layer causing photoaging to occur. This among other summer beauty issues that tend to occur in elevated temperatures can be eliminated by utilizing some of these quick, easy solutions:


1. Rashes Caused by Heat Exposure

A heat rash develops when the body’s sweat glands have been impeded from allowed moisture to escape through the pores. This usually occurs in the summer months due to excessive sweating and produces red and swollen skin. You can reduce the symptoms of this by doing the following:

2. Avoid Excessive Sweat

Just as sweating creates a rash, it can also contribute to other unattractive aesthetics that can be seen on your face and other body parts. You can help to reduce sweating by doing the following:

3. Acne

For skin that is afflicted with an acne breakout, it needs cool, dry air to clear up the bacteria and oils associated with it. High temperatures and an abundance of sunlight coupled with eating foods high in sugar and starch that promote oily skin only create susceptability to more breakouts. Switch to foods that are not saturated in fats in the summer and consume mostly fruit and vegetables to eliminate this problem.

4. Sunburn

We so want to run right out onto the beach and take in the first rays of summer! But we forget that we haven’t been out in the sun in months and end up getting a sunburn instead of a suntan. This can be not only bad looking with its red and orange glow, but it can actually be painful and lead to ugly blistering and eventually flaky skin. Do the following to avoid it:

If you get a sunburn, cool compresses, chilled yogurt, or Aloe Vera gel will help to ease any pain.

5. Oily Skin

Many people who have experienced dry skin after they have been out in the sun for some time tend to try to avoid another occurrence by using an overabundance of skin oil. There are also some people who still use baby oil and other tanning oils instead of sun protection to get a deep tan in a shorter period of time. This ultimately leads to dry skin that needs to be rejuvenated. The best remedy for this is taking a half cup of raw oatmeal and adding enough organic honey to form a natural paste. Then, apply this to your face and let it sit for at least 10 minutes. Wash it off with warm water and you should see a renewed moisture and glow to your skin.

6. Fading Makeup

When the peak of summer hits, applying makeup means that just as soon as you get done and walk out the door, you are already beginning to feel it melting and fading away off your eyes, cheeks, and neck. The heavier the makeup formula, the more issues you will have, so switch to a mineral-based makeup product in the summer months. You also will benefit from long wear and having your makeup adhere more readily to your skin if you pre-condition your face and neck with an ice cube before you begin to apply your makeup. Also, a powder is always preferred since it clings much more readily to the skin in hot weather than anything in liquid form.

7. Healthy Summer Hair

When it’s hot, we tend to want to remove anything from our skin that will impede us from getting as much air on our skin as possible to keep it dry, so we pull long hair back into exceedingly tight buns, ponytails, and braids. This wreaks havoc on hair follicles, pulling them away from the scalp and possibly even causing pattern baldness over time. Couple this with daily shampooing and you have several potential issues with your hair. Avoid both by changing it up and wearing your hair loose every few days and washing it only several times a week to keep in the natural oils.

8. Dried-out skin

It is inevitable that no matter what precautions you take during the summer, your skin will inevitably begin to dry out. The best preventive measure you can practice if you are going to expose your skin regularly to the sun is to replenish your skin with plenty of foods rich in antioxidants, iron, and vitamin E that promote the production of collagen in the body that rejuvenates skin and deters wrinkles from forming and keeps traps moisture under the skin where it should be.

Do you have trouble with your skin in the summer months and have found a great solution to keep it beautiful? Show it to your friends so others can try it, too!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!