8 Signs You’re A Strong Woman Who Stands Apart From The Pack

Dec 26, 2018

There is nothing more iconic in the world of female role models than the woman warrior. She blazes her path and doesn’t let anyone or anything stand in her way. She is fierce and bold. When she walks into a room, all the heads turn towards her. In a relationship, she is sincere, encouraging and makes you feel like a real man. In her friendships, she is a source of inspiration and a confident person. She builds others up, rather than putting them down. Want to know how to recognise a powerful woman who stands out from the rest? Below you will find eight ways to spot a powerful woman. Pay attention!

1. She’s Happy With Herself


A strong woman doesn’t readily compare herself to other women. She knows her value. She knows that she is a special gift that can’t be compared to those around her. Instead, she lends love and support to those around her. She appreciates the great things about other women. However, she doesn’t criticise herself for having a different set of attributes than the women around her.


2. She Lifts Up Others


A strong lady is brimming with positive energy. She doesn’t take away from others to make herself feel better. A strong woman stands besides those who can use her help. She offers support, kindness and dedication to helping those closest to her to succeed.

3. She Forgives With Grace


A strong woman doesn’t let negativity fester in her life. She is too busy focusing on all the positive things in her life. However, she also won’t let someone hurt or betray her repeatedly. A strong woman won’t repeat the same mistake twice. However, she also is too busy thriving to hold grudges or plot revenge on those who have done her wrong.

4. She Truly Believes In Herself


No matter what other characteristics a truly strong woman may have, she will always believe in herself. A strong woman knows exactly who she is and is comfortable with that person. She isn’t afraid to ask what she wants because most of the time she will find a way to get what she is looking for. She sets goals for herself and works hard to achieve them. A strong woman won’t look for others to prop her up. Instead, a strong woman has faith that she can achieve anything that she desires or imagines. She will have a firm belief in her own value.

5. She Values Respect


Many women in today’s world seek out attention. A truly strong woman isn’t looking for attention. Instead, she seeks out respect. A strong woman won’t let herself wind up in a toxic relationship. In fact, she doesn’t simply wind up anywhere. If she feels that she is unwanted or not respected in a relationship, she won’t hesitate to walk away. She knows exactly what she deserves. She also knows that attention is fleeting, but respect is concrete.

6. She Isn’t Afraid To Cry Once In A While


While strong women are brave enough to pick themselves up after a fall, they also aren’t afraid to be a bit vulnerable. A strong woman will let sadness sink in, but never for too long. She knows a brighter day is right around the corner and she will keep her fire blazing and embrace that day boldly. She won’t give in to the temptation to wallow in a failure or an upset that happens in her life.

7. She Will Tell It To You Straight


Finally, a strong woman values truth. She knows how rare honesty is. She appreciates honesty in others. Therefore, she knows how important it is for her to be an upstanding, honest person. She has the best of intentions in everything she puts her mind to. In always being honest, a strong woman sets herself apart from the crowd by showing her quality and class.

8. No Pain No Gain


It is often said that women wear their pain like they wear their high heels. A strong woman knows that failures are inevitable, but it’s how you handle them that counts. She faces her downfalls with a smile and uses the lessons learned to win at the next battle. Just like high heels, pain merely comes as part of the beauty of the bigger picture.

A strong woman will shine brightly like a diamond in the rough. She will always stand out in a crowd. Those who meet her will immediately see her as something special. Do you know a woman who embraces these 8 characteristics? Pass it on to a truly strong woman who has made a real impression in your life!