8 Signs Your Child May Be Gifted

Jul 23, 2018

As parents and caregivers, we can't help must notice how different each child is. From preferences to quirks, each child's personality is unique and undeniable. What is also quite different among children is their intellect. In fact, children will show parents their mental acuity from a very early age, if parents are aware of what to look for. Of course, while we should not look at our children's degree of intellect as marks of superiority or inferiority, it is best to better assess our individual children so that we can provide for them the stimulation they most require.

Here are 8 signs your child may be gifted and may require a little extra intellectual care:

Early Display of Curiosity


A gifted child will display a keen sense of curiosity very early. They will watch the world mindfully and ask many questions. However, these kids will not just ask questions or watch their surroundings; instead, they will show you a high level of excitement with this curiosity. They are enamored with figuring out the world, and you will not be able to overlook this excitability.

Additionally, their questions may very well perplex you. You may start to wonder how they ever thought to even ask such a question. Gifted children begin organizing their world very early on and will quite astutely begin arranging schemas and framing the world around them. All you need to do is continue to answer their questions and create an environment where they feel free to ask and wonder.


They Are Natural Leaders


These tiny tots are instant leaders, often taking charge and commanding those around them. They know their minds and preferences and have no qualms in letting anyone know. For example, they will more than likely organize playtime with friends, informing their peers what will be played and what parts each person will take. While we often try to squash leadership tendencies in fear of bossiness, it is best to allow your child's natural leadership to shine, while also helping your child lead in a less-than-dictatorial manner.

They May Exhibit Very Strong Emotional Variance


Studies say gifted children can get bored quite easily and need constant stimulation and challenge. For this reason, they can appear to have mood swings. These young children just need to feel productive, like they're doing something important. Therefore, if you feel your child may be gifted, it is best to provide an environment that allows him/her to explore and interact so that boredom doesn't overcome them and mood swings won't dominate.

They Learn New Things Quickly


These young children just seem to get things more quickly than their peers. They will often move from one new learning activity to the next, proving to those around them just how active their brain is.

They Have an Impressive Vocabulary


High IQ individuals tend to have a large, varied vocabulary. This is because they want to be able to use the most precise word to explain their thoughts and understand the world. A gifted child is no exception. These young children will show a knack at picking up vocabulary and are often early speakers, quickly figuring out how to use words in context and in sentences.

They May Have High Degree of Musical Intelligence


Throughout history, we have seen a fair share of musically-inclined geniuses. In fact, the ability to understand, compose, and execute music takes much intellectual power. Therefore, many gifted children show an early inclination toward music. If you child does this, do your best to encourage them and provide them with musical learning opportunities.

They Don't Mind Being Alone


These children often like time spent by themselves so that they can play with their toys or read their books without interference. These children need some space to explore on their own, so it's best if mom and dad not disturb them during this time.

They Like to Experiment


A gifted mind is never content for long. There is always something else out there to learn and more questions to ask. If your child is gifted, you will see evidence of them trying different, methodical approaches, all in an effort to figure something out. They are natural-born testers who will need space and ability to experiment with their environment.

While the above list is by no means a way to diagnose whether your child is gifted or not, it does provide some clues to look out for. If you feel your child is gifted, simply work on providing them with the space and stimulation he/she might seem to require.

Make sure you show this article to your friends and family, especially if they have children! 

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!