8 Phrases Manipulators Use To Hide Themselves

Feb 12, 2019

Manipulators have a way of draining your soul. They take your energy and have you thinking that you are the crazy one. The only thought that crosses their minds is how they can come out on top of every situation. They rarely give to others and even more rarely do they think of how their actions affect others.


Manipulation is used by so many people to get what they want these days. This includes the sociopaths, the psychopaths, and the narcissists. They have one thing in common. They want to take control of their victims.

Sometimes the way that a manipulator talks can identify them on the spot. A lot of the same phrases are used frequently in order to hide who they truly are. And a lot of the same type of behaviors are also seen copied throughout. Below you'll find some phrases that are used often in the case of manipulators.

Here are 8 phrases manipulators use to conceal themselves:


1) “Stop being dramatic.”


This is a statement that would likely work if they were talking to themselves. A manipulator will tell someone to stop doing something that they really aren’t doing. After all, this brings more drama to the table. And, that’s exactly what a manipulator thrives on.

This is what keeps them going day in and day out. They like to lie and to cause arguments. They'll even go as far as to fake cry if needed. All this acting is done to prove that they’re the “real” victims. And more than likely, you’re not even being dramatic at all. If you are being dramatic, it’s likely that they’re the cause of the drama anyway.

2) “You're overthinking.”


You actually may be overthinking things but it’s likely due to a reason they have invoked. Manipulators are great at conveying their thoughts in a cryptic manner so what other way can you decipher their thoughts. That means, go ahead and overthink all you need to.

They’re usually telling you that you are overthinking because you are coming pretty close to finding out what the truth of the matter really is. They’re threatened that you may have actually figured them out or are coming close to unveiling who they really are.

3) “You can't understand.”


Manipulators love to confuse others. This gives them an “in” and allows them to be a predator to others. They know that the more confused someone is, the better the stage is set for them.

They love to stir up confusion and keep it that way. This is one of the main ways that they communicate – through deception. When trying to rationalize with the manipulator, this is likely their go to phrase. I mean, how could you understand them? You aren’t a manipulator!

4) “That's not what I said.”


One thing that a manipulator does and does well is a lie. This is what they base their life around. Not only do they lie, but they are very good at it. Most of what they say is likely a lie. And, when they are caught in a lie, they’ll even go as far as to lie about the first lie.

You’re not crazy, they did say what you remember them saying but they’ll never admit it. This behavior is toxic to them and to you. There comes a point to when you have to rid yourself of this type of person. It’s just not healthy for you to be around them.

5) “You're paranoid.”


The way a manipulator works is through deception and then evasion. Then this process is repeated over and over. They distract you and throw you off of their track by claiming that you're being paranoid.

This takes the responsibility off of them. They want you to look at yourself instead of them. Don’t be naïve, you’re not crazy and you’re NOT being paranoid. More than likely, you’re being logical.

6) “Stop being so sensitive.”


Are you being sensitive? Probably not. Well, you may be being sensitive in the manipulator's eyes. But their opinion really doesn’t stand. If it did, we would all likely be too sensitive for them. This is just another thing they say in order to make you feel less. It also helps with letting them to have more control. Next time you hear this phrase, be sure and not to be sensitive at all. Let them know how you truly feel.

7) “I don't like to argue.”


Um, really? Yes, they do and will. They feed off of arguing. This is the person that will start an argument at the drop of a hat. They create division in every aspect of life but they do tend to put their actions off on others. This makes it hard to see that they’re the ones that actually start the fights.

They don’t even worry about whether you fight back. They know how and when to start things up again. And, by saying that they don’t want to argue makes them seem like they have the upper hand, that control that they so desire.

8) “You always do this.”


This is a phrase that the manipulator uses for a couple of things. Usually your actions have stopped them from doing something that they wanted to do. Or, they're just trying to make you doubt yourself and feel guilty.

This is just another way they can have control over things. They love to use exaggerations as a tool to sound like they are a better person than you are. By saying that you always do this, is another way of saying that you always get in their way when they're trying to manipulate you.

Do you know anyone that is a manipulator? Do they say these things often? Are there any other phrases you could add to the list? Let us know in the comment section below. Be sure and send this on to some friends. They may be dealing with a manipulator and need some help.