8 Morning Routines Of Exceptionally Organized People

Feb 23, 2018

If your life is suddenly feeling very chaotic, perhaps it's time for a complete overhaul of your daily routine. The structured lifestyle of the highly organized may seem intimidating and unattainable to you, but it's actually very easy to apply to your daily life than you may think! 

Here is a helpful little guide about how you can get your life back on track by following the routines of organized people! 

1. Wake Up 15 Minutes Earlier

You'll be amazed by how much more you can achieve in the morning if you set your alarm clock to go off 15 minutes earlier than your usual "rise-and-shine" time! If you live with roommates or with family, that 15 minutes might score you extra time in the bathroom, or first dibs on the coffee machine. If you live alone, an extra 15 minutes lets you take your time getting ready for work in the morning, and maybe catch that amazing sunrise. You'll feel a lot better knowing you can take your time.


2. Don't Check Your Cell Phone Right Away

It's all too easy to get caught in the trap of scrolling through your phone first thing in the morning. It's natural to want to get caught up on messages and emails, but highly organized people get out of bed, take a breath, and get their day started before jumping into the mobile world. 

3. Indulge In Something You Enjoy

Every morning allow yourself five to ten minutes to do something you enjoy, whether that be listening to music, yoga, looking through your phone, or having a cup of coffee. This little bit of relaxation will leave you feeling satisfied and energized to start your day. 

4. Set A Morning Routine

Organized people follow a set routine every day. The more precise you plan your mornings, the more motivated you'll be to get up and keep a rhythm. Deciding when you have your "me" time, shower, and get out of the door will help you feel organized with little effort. This will also help you stay on time if you noticed you're constantly late! 

5. Set Realistic Goals

Your routine should have all the basic steps in it that you need to have a positive start to your day. Going to bed with plans to wake up an hour earlier to go for a run may seem like a good idea, but the slightest change in your routine can completely throw you off. Establish good habits and slowly introduce new parts to your routine when you're ready, not all at once. 

6. Meal Prep

Preparing your breakfast and lunch can take a lot of time out of your morning, so fixing your meals the night before can bring some peace of mind. Even preparing large portions of foods and dividing them among containers to take with you during the week can relieve stress. 

7. Declutter Your House

READ ALSO: Here's Why The Clutter In Your Home Could Be Causing You Anxiety

Highly organized people make sure their homes are tidy. Simple additions to your routine like making the bed and taking the trash out when you leave for work can make it more pleasant to return home. A couple of chores will have already been done and you will feel a sense of accomplishment.

8. Complete The Task You Dread First

Instead of putting it off until last, organized people tackle their least favorite task first. Getting it out of the way first thing in the morning will keep it from weighing on your mind all day, so roll up those sleeves and get it done! 

Are you going to try any of these tips? SHARE this article and let us know how you plan on improving your morning routine!