7 Ways To Tell If Your Personality Is Intimidating

Jul 20, 2018

If you have a strong personality, even your loved ones may be a little intimidated by you. People who are goal-oriented and who tend to follow their own lead rather than that of others can sometimes make other people feel uncomfortable. If the descriptions below sound accurate, you might just be one of those intimidating people.

You size people up accurately.

You have a strong and accurate intuition for who people are even if you've just met them. People who are dishonest or prejudiced know this, and they don't like it. You also have the courage to speak up when people are behaving badly and put a stop to it.


You are direct.

Some people might tell you that you are too honest or blunt, but you just don't have any patience with small talk. You like to get to the point of a conversation or talk about more meaningful things than the weather.

You are a nonconformist.

You might often find yourself on the outs with what everyone else is thinking. This is because you prefer to reach conclusions on your own and refuse to go along with what other people are saying just to fit in. This may be particularly intimidating for people whose self-confidence is not high because it is difficult for them to imagine not struggling to gain the approval of others. Less intelligent people may be intimidated by this as well.

You hate excuses.

You don't accept them from others or from yourself. When people are genuinely going through a difficult period, you can be kind and understanding. However, you can't stand being around people who whine and complain. When you set out to do something yourself, you do not procrastinate and you give it your all.

You don't get jealous.

You don't waste your time worrying about what other people have or have accomplished. None of that has anything to do with whether you fail or succeed, and you are happy to congratulate others when they succeed. Other people may be jealous of your own ability to focus on and accomplish your goals.

You jump at new chances.

Where other people avoid change, you embrace it. You love the opportunity to jump into something new. Furthermore, failure doesn't keep you down for long. You see it as a chance to regroup and try a new tactic until you find something that succeeds.

Ignorant people irritate you.

Because you are both open to new ideas and committed to critically examining them, you have a hard time dealing with people who are not. You make an effort to be polite to people as much as possible, but you try to get away from the ones whose intelligence is no match for your own.

There's nothing wrong with being focused and strong-willed even if it means you might scare people away from time to time. Then again, it's not as though you care what others think anyway. Comment if you agree and to add some of the ways people have found you intimidating.