7 Ways To Battle Loneliness

Sep 10, 2018

While the world’s population is growing at an alarming rate, more and more individuals are reporting feeling isolated and alone. Many of us feel rejected, alone, and abandoned. We don’t feel as if we belong to anyone. We are social creatures who all need to feel as if we belong somewhere.

Prolonged feelings of loneliness can even increase your chances of dying early by 30%. It is important to combat this feeling and become more connected to those around you in order to live a long and healthy life. Let’s take a look at seven ways you can overcome that lonely feeling and connect with the people around you.

#1 Join groups with people who have the same interests as you

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In order to alleviate that lonely feeling, it is important that you feel as if you have a common bond with other people. How can you accomplish this?

One of the easiest ways is to search for groups or local meet-ups that are focused on doing the things you like to do. Maybe it is a book club or a cycling club, or maybe you can take cooking classes or meet up for a painting class.

We all have a very basic need to feel as though others have accepted us. Connecting with people who have the same interests as ours can help make you feel better, mentally and emotionally.


#2 Become friends with yourself


It’s important that you enjoy your own company first. If you don’t like being with yourself, being with other people will only be because you are desperate to get away from your own mind.

You must learn how to really love yourself before you can share your love with other people. To do so, go deep within yourself and work on your own issues first.

Do what is necessary to leave all of your emotional trauma in the past. Once you do that, you will leave plenty of room inside of yourself to connect with others.

#3 Talk to others when you are out

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It’s easy to fall into the habit of ignoring those around us when we are out in public. Try to break this bad habit by putting the phone away and striking up conversations with those around you. It could be a simple chat with the grocery store clerk, small talk at the bus stop, or a friendly chat with the server at your favorite diner.

We all have a chance to connect with others no matter where we are. It will make you feel less alone and even hone your chatting skills.

#4 Spend more time in the real world around you


Sure, Facebook and Snapchat are fun to mess around on. But social media does not compare to actual face-to-face conversations and connections.

We should all be able to feel the energy of the people we love as much as possible, and this cannot be accomplished over a computer screen.

Limit your use of technology as much as possible. Then, try to make real connections with your friends, old and new. Talk to the business owners you see online every day or even your neighbors next to you.

There is so much potential for human contact when you step away from the screen.

#5 Think hard about your real feelings and what they represent

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Sometimes you have to ask yourself if what you are feeling truly depicts your life. We all have feelings of loneliness when we have been by ourselves for a bit, but do those feelings accurately depict what is really going on?

You could be really close to your friends and family but just feel lonely at the moment. If this is the case, try to figure out why you feel this way and what you can do about it.

You may need to make the first step to connect with your loved ones, or you could use this time for self-reflection on your own part.

#6 Help other people instead of focusing on yourself

istockphotos.com/Steve Dabenport

One of the easiest ways to connect with others is to volunteer. Think about the homeless around you who may have no one to talk to for days and weeks at a time. There is too much suffering in the world and it is important to try and help. Volunteer at a local soup kitchen, church function, or homeless shelter, to name a few.

You’ll forget about your own loneliness and give back at the same time. Helping one another is one of the most basic foundations of all human existence.

#7 Find activities that you really enjoy


You don’t have to join countless groups to connect with others. If you really love jogging, open yourself up to the possibility of meeting someone new on the local track. If you love to travel, you will more than likely meet new people who love to travel as much as you do when you are out exploring the world. There are so many ways to meet new friends when you release your fears.

You can overcome loneliness when you commit to reaching out to others and open your heart to those who want to connect as much as you do. We wish you all the luck in the world!

Do you have anything to add? Let us know in the comments and pass this on to family and friends!