7 Signs He Is In Love With You, Even if He Doesn't Say it Out Loud

Aug 07, 2019

Men and women show love for one another in a variety of ways. While some women often say the actual words, many men like to show that they love a person by their actions.

This may be confusing to some people, especially the women on the receiving end. You always want to know that the person you love is in love with you back, but we know that it isn’t always that easy to tell.

Because of this, we decided that we would do our own research and find out seven common behavior types that show that he loves you, even if he has trouble saying the words. Sometimes, love really is demonstrated by actions.


1. He will make sacrifices for you


It isn’t hard to make sacrifices for a person that we care about. It takes love, maturity, and selflessness. Every relationship must be a balance of two people who are willing to make sacrifices for the other no matter what.

A man who is in love with you will never want you to be unhappy. They are uncomfortable with the thought of their woman being sad, so they will do everything that they can to prevent this from happening. They know that what they do means a lot to their partner, and they are not afraid to do it.

2. He listens to what you have to say


Women are actually much better listeners than men are, according to numerous studies on the subject. So when you find a man who actively listens to you and responds to what you are saying, a skill that is known as active listening, you have found someone who really loves you. If he actually remembers and acts on the conversations you have, even better.

3. He isn’t afraid to be vulnerable around you


Men generally hate showing others their weaknesses. They often feel as though they have to look and act strong all of the time. But men who are truly in love won’t be afraid to let down their guard. They generally become more and more comfortable around you and allow their real feelings to shine through. Being vulnerable can take some time but if he really loves you, it will happen.

4. It’s okay to have bad days around him

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Everyone wants to look their best in the beginning. But after we spend more and more time with someone, our need to impress the other usually declines. We are allowed to show up with no makeup and messed up hair.

Men who really love you will not care if you aren’t all dolled up. They will tell you that they love you even on your worst days. When he tells you that you are beautiful with no makeup on and in rumpled pajama pants, then you know he is really the one for you.

5. He is always proud of you


A man will always brag about the woman that he loves. He isn’t shy about telling the world how proud he is of you. It doesn’t matter what it is- maybe you are excellent at your job, or you are a wonderful mother and girlfriend. When he tells you that he is proud of you, this means that he loves you.

6. He will always stick up for you


This is a very important one! A man who really loves you will always stick up for you when others are against you. While he may not want to get involved in the drama of family and friends, he is there to have your back. Since men usually try their best to avoid controversy at all costs, hearing that he defended you is a big deal.

7. He loves your family and friends


If a man really is in love with you, then he will go out of his way to treat your loved ones with respect. He will get to know your family and friends and will gain their respect, as well. A real man will always show your family and friends the respect that they deserve. That is because he cares about you and wants to treat them the right way.

Sure, he may not enjoy every single one of your friends, but he knows to keep that opinion to himself. They mean a lot to you, and he is smart enough to respect that. Being friendly with them is a way of saying he loves you for sure.



Remember, just because he doesn’t always say he loves you doesn’t mean that he doesn’t. You always have to appreciate all of the little things he does and says. Yes, you may say the words more often than he does, but he may show that he loves you in a variety of ways.

Does your man display a lot of these behaviors? What do you think about this article? If he often displays these types of behaviors, then he probably is the one. And just know that he does love you a lot!


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