7 Reasons Why Scorpios Make The Best Friends

Feb 14, 2018

Is there a Scorpio in your life? If so, check out these seven reasons why Scorpios are the best. Odds are, you’ll totally recognize most of them! 


1) Scorpios Are Passionate! 

When a Scorpio feels something, they're completely committed to that feeling! They live passionate lives and have big hearts. This trait often contributes to a natural leadership role. Their infectious attitudes boost morale and can hype up their whole team!

2) Scorpios Want The Truth!

A Scorpio won't be satisfied with half-truths or weak excuses. They want the whole truth and nothing but the truth! Their passionate natures mean they will search as hard as they can to gather information. You can't hide anything from a Scorpio - they'll find out!

3) Scorpios Are Mysterious! 

A Scorpio may be passionate, but they're also very guarded at times. They're great at keeping secrets. This mysterious air makes them interesting and alluring. People are instinctively pulled towards them.

4) Scorpios Are Emotionally Stable 

A Scorpio is naturally in-tune with their emotions. They're also good at bringing this out in other people, resulting in healthy, strong friendships. Pair this with their ability to keep secrets, and you have the best friend you could ask for.

5) Scorpios Are Smart

Right when you thought Scorpios couldn't get any better! They're often very smart and like to engage other smart people. Don't try to fight with them, you probably won't win! But don't mistake this intelligence for seriousness, they want to have fun like everyone else.

6) Scorpios Are Balanced 

All of these traits combine into a well-rounded person. A person who searches for answers but can keep them quiet. A person who is smart, but also wise. Above all, a Scorpio can adapt. They know when to speak out, and when to be silent. This invaluable skill is why almost everyone likes a Scorpio.

7) Scorpios Are Heroes! 

Scorpios are brave. When they show up, they show up to make things right. Scorpios change the game and fight against the odds. They're the superheroes, the CEOs, the leaders and the managers. If a difficult job has to be done, you can count on a Scorpio to do it!


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