7 Reasons Aquarian Women Are The Most Eccentric

Feb 12, 2018

If you leave a social encounter feeling baffled yet fascinated, you've probably just met an Aquarius woman. They can be hard to understand, but the water bearer is worth the effort. These 7 insights will help you bypass the suffering and head scratching as you try to figure out the Aquarian in your life.

1. Aquarius Women Are Radical Individuals

Women with the fixed sign Aquarius are independent and don't like being bossed around or told what to do. The Aquarius woman prefers to write her own rules and doesn't care if they don't make sense to others. While this can be frustrating, it means Aquarian women are stellar innovators, artists, and thinkers. She explores avenues overlooked by the people around her and is almost always rewarded for it. Tread carefully though--because of these traits, she'll run away screaming from anything that restricts her freedom.


2. Only The Brave Can Handle An Aquarius Woman

The Water Bearer symbolizes giving life's most fundamental and necessary element, water, in great abundance. Aquarians embody this and give freely from the heart. To be loved by an Aquarius woman as either a friend or a romantic partner is to be loved passionately. As a result your Aquarian will be extremely protective of the people she has deemed worthy of being on her team. Her intense engagement and emotions may be overwhelming, but if you are lucky enough to have an Aquarius woman as a lover you'll find she gives her all in the bedroom and is completely in the moment. 

3. The Aquarius Woman Is The Ellen Degeneres Of The Zodiac

An Aquarius woman is determined to make the world a better place, and will often be actively involved in volunteer work or donate regularly to charity. Expect her time to revolve around signing petitions, walking dogs at the animal shelter, and pinching pennies for her favorite organizations. Her strong emotions and empathetic nature make it hard for her to see others struggling. No matter what an Aquarius woman's circumstances are, she will always find a way to pitch in.

4. With An Aquarius Woman Rebellion Is Always On The Menu

Ever the contrarian, Aquarius women hate going with the flow and are constantly looking for ways to start a mutiny. Her powerful commitment to individualism makes her terrible at following directions or routines, and if you're a practical person you'll mix like oil and water. If you say the sky is blue, your Aquarius woman will insist it's green. A born thrill chaser, Aquarius women love adventure, even if they have to do it all on their own. 

5. Aquarius Women Live In Their Own Reality

When innovation and individuality come together with a bang, you've got an Aquarius woman. Because of her "my way or the highway" lifestyle, she can easily become isolated and distant from others. While this might make your Aquarius woman seem distant or rude, she just needs to be in her own headspace from time to time. She could be stewing on an idea she had just now, thinking about somebody who wronged her a decade ago, or imagining the future. Her mind has no limits. This can make it hard to achieve emotional intimacy, but it's certainly not impossible.

6. The Aquarius Woman Is A Star Like No Other

Performative, charming, and mysterious, the Aquarius woman is a fascinating enigma. They love being the center of attention and often form unusual friendships because they love meeting all kinds of different people. Think Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg. Her passion and adventurous spirit will have you flying to Vegas for the weekend or singing your heart out at karaoke. Your life will truly never be the same.

7. The Aquarius Woman Is An Unsolvable Riddle

Not to state the obvious, but it's something you should come to terms with. An Aquarius woman is constantly pinging back and forth between seemingly absurd opposites. Passionate yet distant, emotional yet stoic, individualistic yet sociable, the list goes on. Remember though that the pleasure of a good riddle is in working to solve it, not in knowing the answer. Living alongside an Aquarius woman means being along for the ride, even if sometimes the route seems strange.

An Aquarius woman is guaranteed to turn your world upside down, often for the better. She is a devoted friend, a caring family member, and a passionately engaged lover. Her constant hum of new ideas and stories means your conversations will never be dull. The Aquarius woman can add so much spice and flavor to your life, but only if you accept her fully, challenges and all.

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