7 Physical Signs of Mold Exposure to Be Aware Of

Aug 29, 2018

Mold is a silent and sometimes invisible danger. It can grow where you least expect and in areas that are not visible to the naked eye that include under carpets, behind walls, and even on the exterior of our home and work environments. They can cause severe respiratory illness including asthma and lung disease. Mold grows rapidly in areas with high humidity and moisture and once detected, needs to be eliminated immediately with professional removal and drying out the area to ensure the mold does not return and cause further health issues. There are certain signs of mold that you can look for to proactively deter mold from affecting your health:

1. Chronic headaches and irritated eyes


Both of these symptoms are related to the effect that mold has on people who are sensitive to allergens in the air.  Mold bacteria exposure prompts your immune system to try to fight off the unwanted mold spores that you are breathing in, and the result is itchy and red eyes as well as constricted blood vessels causing inflammation leading to headache pain.


2. Numb or tingling extremities


Many people who have been exposed to mold over time have reported that they experienced a numbness as well as a tingling sensation in their fingers or toes which they mistakenly associated with a pinched nerve. Some people even reported experiencing eye twitches on a regular basis.  Once they removed the mold, these symptoms went away.

3.Interruption of the digestive system process


Bacteria from mold can have an adverse effect on the “good” bacteria that sits in our intestinal walls and helps us through the digestive process.  When you are exposed to the bacteria caused from mold for a long enough period of time, it can result in a loss of appetite because of chronic nausea as well as diarrhea that never seems to go away that can lead to dehydration and a severe loss of electrolytes.

4. Feelings of depression


There can certainly be days that we don’t feel like ourselves which can make us sad but having these feelings all the time could mean that you are exposed to mold.  Studies have shown that living in a damp environment that has created bacteria related to mold has triggered chemicals in the brain that lead to depression.

5. Respiratory problems


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, mold is one of the leading factors in respiratory illnesses.  The symptoms can begin with coughing and wheezing and lead to more severe reactions included asthma attacks and pneumonitis

6. Aching muscles and joints


Because mold is a type of fungus, it can attack and break down our immune system and lead to Fibromyalgia which is a breakdown of fluid around the joints and pain. This also affects the muscles in our body which causing cramping leading to chronic soreness.

7. Rare mold symptoms 


There are several more unusual signs of mold affecting you that can be mistaken for other illnesses such as the following:

All of these can be prevented if you take the time to assess your home and where it may be exposed to additional moisture:

Are you someone who experienced the effects of exposure to mold and symptoms other than these that you want to tell others about here?

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!