7 Mini-Moves For A Flatter Stomach

Dec 03, 2018

In reality, getting a flat stomach can be as easy as performing a few movements throughout the day. 

7 Mini-moves for a flatter stomach

The gym is no longer a requirement for those who want to sculpt a six-pack. These seven mini-moves can help you reach the goal of a flatter stomach within weeks. People often suffer under the misconception that obtaining abs can only come with thousands of crunches and hours of gym time. In reality, getting a flat stomach can be as easy as performing a few movements throughout the day. There is no reason to dedicate hours of a day to ab exercises when these seven movements can be a great replacement.


1. Half Boat


According to Michele Olson who works at Auburn University as a professor of exercise physiology, this exercise is one of the most effective at activating abdominal muscle fibers. With each rep, the half boat firms more muscle fibers within the stomach than most other movements. Start this movement in a sitting position on the floor with feet flat on the ground and knees bent. 

Slowly lean backwards at a 45-degree angle and extend your arms in front. Raise your feet from the ground while keeping your knees bent. Lean back until your middle and lower back are on the ground, but keep your legs off of the ground. Slowly return to the starting position, and repeat the same movement for 10 to 12 reps. 

2. Role Up

This exercise is very easy to perform and can even be completed while watching television. Start by laying on the floor in a face-up position. Reach your hands towards the ceiling, and slowly begin to raise your upper body. Focus on "rolling" your ab muscles as your upper body raises up. Continue guiding the movement with your arms until your upper body is extended over your legs. Slowly return to the beginning position, and repeat for a few more reps. 

3. Scissor Kicks


Scissor kicks is another ab exercise that requires no equipment and can be performed anywhere. Start by lying on the ground in a face-up position. Slowly raise both legs off of the ground while keeping them fully extended. Quickly alternate the level of each leg by lowering one while raising the other.

This creates a scissoring motion and places a lot of stress on the abdominals. Perform this movement continuously for 30 seconds. It is important to keep the tension of this exercise on your abs. Your arms can also be used as stabilizers throughout the movement.

4. Tree Pose

This yoga move is a great exercise for activating the abdominal muscles and only takes a few seconds to perform. Start in a standing position with feet about hip-width apart. Shift your bodyweight onto your left foot, and slowly raise your right foot off of the ground. 

Bend your right knee, and allow your right foot to angle towards your body. Place your right foot in both hands, and place it against your left thigh. Hold this position for 10 breaths, and repeat the same movement on the other side of your body.

5. Pretzel


This exercise is a little more complicated than the rest and requires some patience and flexibility. Start in a sitting position with your left leg in a 90-degree angle behind your torso. Your right leg should be in the same position but in front of your body. Slowly transition your bodyweight forward over your right leg. Guide your torso with your hands, and make sure to keep your spine in a natural line. 

Next, raise your left leg off of the ground as high as possible. Place your palms on the ground if you need extra support. Slowly lower your left leg a few inches without touching the ground. Raise your right leg once again, and repeat this movement for 20 reps. Do the same amount on the other side. 

6. Single-Leg Teaser Twist 

Start this movement sitting on a mat with feet flat on the floor and knees bent. The inner thighs and calves of each leg should be touching. Extend your arms out over your knees, and slowly sink your spine into a C-shape. Raise your left leg off of the ground by extending your toes into the air.

Turn your torso to the right, and sink deeper into the C-shape position. Pulse your torso forwards and backwards in unison with your inhale and exhale. Repeat this movement for 10 to 12 reps. Perform the same amount of reps for the other side of the body.

7. Lifting Crunch


If you’re tired of performing ab exercises on the ground, the lifting crunch is a great option. Start in a standing position with feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly, and raise your hands overhead with palms together. Slowly lean your torso to the left until you feel a stretch.

Lift your right leg off of the ground, and move it to the right. Slowly return to the starting position. Repeat this same movement for 10 reps on each side of the body. Make sure to stress your abs during the movement. 

The key is to focus on your abdominals during each exercise to ensure they’re being targeted effectively. If you found this article helpful, show it to some friends and family who need new ab exercises. 

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation by your doctor. Your health is important to us!