7 Methods To Get Rid Of Insects in Your House (And They Actually Work )

Sep 13, 2018

Everyone wants to keep their house free of pests. But the types of chemical pesticides you might find in a story contain chemicals that are far too toxic for use in your home. This is especially true if you have pets or young children. When these chemicals are used to kill insects, it's pretty obvious that they aren't good for us, either. A better plan is to use an alternative method that's both safe and natural if possible. These simple, safe, and effective tricks will help you get rid of household insects without all of the dangerous chemicals.

1. Cockroaches

Cockroaches are famous for being stubborn and having unusual longevity. They've been known to survive disasters that kill all other forms of life. Some people even say that cockroaches can survive for several weeks after being decapitated. These disgusting bugs can feel like invaders in your home, and what's worse is that they frequently carry harmful disease. A number of store products will kill cockroaches, but they'll typically use highly toxic means. Instead of store-bought roach killer, try this trick.


Chop up one onion, add one teaspoon of baking soda to the concoction, and mix it up. You should place the full mixture in your house's corners and areas that you've seen the cockroaches, including areas of entry like the sink plumbing and shower drain. Reapplying the mixture on a daily basis is a quick way to make sure your house stays roach-free.

2. Ticks

There are a great number of different tick varieties, and they tend to vary widely in their color and size. Which ticks are most common will also vary depending on your area. It's important to give you and your family protection against ticks, since they can carry incredibly harmful diseases like lyme disease. People have even died from tick bites in the past. But most people also don't want to place chemical pesticides on the fur of their pets, where it might be licked off and ingested. There are safe and natural repellents that you can use.

For humans, you'll want to make a mixture of 20 drops of a rose or geranium essential oil. Add 5 drops of lavender essential oil, 10 drops of sweetgrass essential oil, 5 drops of lemon essential oil, and one tablespoon of rubbing alcohol. Use 100 milliliters of water or vinegar to dilute it, then transfer the mixture to a spray bottle. Shake the mixture well and spray it on all your clothes before you go outside.

For dogs, you should make sure to check your canine pal's coat regularly, especially after walks. Mix 20 drops of pennyroyal essential oil and 20 drops of a rose or geranium essential oil with 2 tablespoons of almond oil. Place just a couple drops of this mixture on your dog's collar or fur. DON'T use this mixture on pregnant animals or cats.

3. Garden Pests

There are a number of different pests that might chew up your garden, including spider mites and aphids. Pesticides might make your hard-earned vegetables and fruits inedible. For a garden-safe mixture, try this tip.

Mix half a cup of hot peppers with half a cup of onion or garlic. Blend the ingredients until they become a paste-like substance. Mix this paste with 500 milliliters of warm water, then let it rest in a warm area for 24 hours. Put it through a strainer and spray your plants with the remaining liquid.

4. Spiders

Spiders can be a big safety concern if you live in certain areas where poisonous breeds are common. Even if you don't live near poisonous spiders, you still probably don't want them inside your house. Small spiders and hard-shelled spiders can be particularly scary.

This is a type of natural repellent that will keep spiders away due to their dislike of strong scents. It won't kill the spiders. You should add 5 to 10 drops of peppermint oil to 200 milliliters of water. Add just 1/4 of a tablespoon of liquid detergent. Shake the mixture well and spray your spider-infested areas at least once a week until your home is free of spiders.

5. Ants

No matter how hard you try to keep crumbs out of your living space, ants always seem to appear during ant season. What's more frustrating is that you often can't figure out where they're coming from. Ants can ruin your food supply if they find it. If you are having trouble with ants in your kitchen, you should make the kitchen a less attractive area for them.

Weirdly enough, ants detest the scent of cinnamon. If you think you've figured out where the ants are coming from, you should put cinnamon powder in those areas. You'll get even more effective results if you add a few drops of essential oil to the powder. This will also cause a nice earthy smell to permeate your home.

6. Dust Mites

Dust mites are creatures so tiny that they can't even be seen with your naked eye. Unfortunately, just because you don't see them doesn't mean they aren't there. Their habitat is the dust in the household. They prefer to live in warm areas, and they love to feast on skin flakes. What does that mean? Dust mites love to live in your bed and cause havoc while you sleep.

Dust mites aren't able to bite, but specialists say that they can definitely cause skin irritation and allergic reactions. To get rid of these little bugs, you should mix 6 teaspoons of eucalyptus oil with 1 and 1/2 teaspoons of laundry detergent. Dilute the mixture in a full bucket of water. Soak your washable bedding and then place it in the washer like you normally would. If you have any unwashable things infested, you should spray the surface and wipe it down with a cloth. Eucalyptus oil can also be substituted with a tea tree oil.

7. Weevils

Weevils are unwanted bugs that might end up in the unsealed rice, cereal, or flour in your pantry. They love to feast on seeds and grains, but they might even show up in pancake mix. You don't want to spray your food with chemical pesticides, so you should try this trick instead.

Weevils hate the scent of cloves and bay leaves. Simply put one of these leaves on top of your food supply and around the containers to keep the bugs out of the way.

Which of these tricks is most useful for you? What secret bug-repelling methods do you usually use? Pass this on to your friends and loved ones so that their houses can be bug-free too!